
What did the English do in the fur trade?

What did the English do in the fur trade?

Like the French, the HBC and other British fur traders gave goods to Indigenous people in exchange for beaver pelts. Both the French and the British wanted to control the fur trade. Their Indigenous allies did too.

What did the fur traders want?

The United States sought to remove the substantial British control over the North American fur trade during the first decades of its existence. Many indigenous peoples soon came to depend on the fur trade as their primary source of income and European-manufactured goods.

What was fur trade used for?

The fur trade began in the 1500’s as an exchange between Indians and Europeans. The Indians traded furs for such goods as tools and weapons. Beaver fur, which was used in Europe to make felt hats, became the most valuable of these furs.

Why was the fur trade important to the history of Canada?

The intensely competitive trade opened the continent to exploration and settlement. It financed missionary work, established social, economic and colonial relationships between Europeans and Indigenous people, and played a formative role in the creation and development of Canada.

Why was England interested in the fur trade?

The English Fur Trade. Their Goal. The British, unlike the French, weren’t really interested in creating a colony in North America. In 1670, the English king decided to grant a charter for control of the fur trade to the Hudson’s Bay Company. The English had one goal, and that was to make money.

When did the fur trade begin in North America?

The fur trade in North America began with the earliest contacts between American Indians and European settlers. Within a few years of their arrival to North America in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, French, English, and Dutch fur traders were competing to develop trading relationships with American Indians.

How did the fur trade affect the French and Indian War?

During the 1700’s, French and British fur traders competed bitterly over trading rights in the region between the Allegheny Mountains and the Mississippi River. This competition, plus other conflicts between the two nations, led to the French and Indian war in 1754.

How did the Hudson’s Bay Company affect the fur trade?

In 1670, the English king decided to grant a charter for control of the fur trade to the Hudson’s Bay Company. The English had one goal, and that was to make money. This goal, affected the relationship between the English fur traders and First Nations trappers. The competition between the English and the French,…

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