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What do you call a group of witches and wizards?

What do you call a group of witches and wizards?

Anyway, the correct term for a group of wizards is a Conflagration of Wizards.

What is the plural of witches?

witch /ˈwɪtʃ/ noun. plural witches. witch. /ˈwɪtʃ/ plural witches.

What is the collective noun for magicians?


MAGICIANS A CONJURING of magicians. Ken Jaffe
MILLERS A TURN of millers. Ian Keoppen
MISERS A MISERY of misers. Ken Jaffe
MONGRELS A SCRUFF of mongrels. Ken Jaffe

What is another word for coven?

What is another word for coven?

circle crowd
clique gang
set group
coterie pack
ring bunch

What is a convocation of witches called?

5 letter answer(s) to convocation of witches ESBAT. A regular Wiccan meeting, as opposed to the sabbats, which are held at fixed dates throughout the year. The esbat may be held as often as the coven deems necessary or preferable.

What’s the collective term for a group of witches?

The collective term for a group of witches is a coven. What is the collective noun for coven? The collective noun coven is used for a coven of vampires or a coven of witches. What is the collective noun of coven?

Is there one word that describes both witches and Wizards?

Well, when Hagrid describes Muggles to Harry as “non-magic folk” it might imply that ‘magic’ is a collective term used to describe witches and wizards.

When did the term coven start being used for witches?

The word “coven” was first recorded in use during the trial of a Scottish witch in 1662 — Isobel Gowdie. The term was not commonly applied until 1921, when folklorist Margaret Murray promoted the notion of covens being made up of 13 witches.

Are there any collective nouns for supernatural things?

I found a poster of collective nouns for supernatural and mythical sorts of creatures, though some are real now. It was supposedly from Wondermark, with David Malki as the only person’s name on it, without clear indication as to how he is associated with it all.

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