
What does Drops of water turn into?

What does Drops of water turn into?

The water droplets that form make up clouds. Water vapor can also condense into droplets near the ground, forming fog when the ground is cold.

Why do dew drops form?

Dew is the result of water changing from a vapor to a liquid. Colder air is less able to hold water vapor than warm air. This forces water vapor in the air around cooling objects to condense. When condensation happens, small water droplets form—dew.

How dew drops are formed?

Dew is a natural form of water, formed as water vapor condenses. Colder air is less able to hold water vapor than warm air. This forces water vapor in the air around cooling objects to condense. When condensation happens, small water droplets form—dew.

Why do water droplets form on the outside of a glass of water?

It is because of condensation. When warm air hits the cold surface, it condenses, leaving droplets of water outside the glass. Another way of putting it is, when water vapor in the air comes in contact with cold, like ice water, the molecules slow down and get closer together, causing the gaseous water vapor to turn back into liquid water…

What are drops of water called?

When water vapor from the air touched the cold surface, it became liquid water. If the ground, plants, and other things outdoors become cold, tiny drop of water may gather on them. These tiny drops are called dew.

Why are Water Drops spherical?

Spherical shape of the water droplets is due to the surface tension phenomena. The cohesive forces between liquid molecules is responsible for the surface tension. The molecules of water on the surface don’t have like molecules around it.

Why is water in liquid form?

At room temperature (anywhere from zero degree centigrade to 100 degrees centigrade), water is found in a liquid state. This is because of the tiny, weak hydrogen bonds which, in their billions, hold water molecules together for small fractions of a second.

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