
What does it mean to be preoccupied with someone?

What does it mean to be preoccupied with someone?

If you are preoccupied, you are thinking a lot about something or someone, and so you hardly notice other things. Try not to become so preoccupied with work that you forget about your family and friends.

How do you use the word preoccupied?

Preoccupied sentence example

  1. Maybe that was what he had been so preoccupied with lately.
  2. Alex continued to be preoccupied with his problem – whatever it was.
  3. I know you’ve been preoccupied , but everyone else has noticed his interest in you.
  4. Kutuzov seemed preoccupied and did not listen to what the general was saying.

What does it mean when a girl says she is preoccupied?

The definition of preoccupied is someone who is busy with or engaged in something.

What preoccupied means?

1 : previously applied to another group and unavailable for use in a new sense —used of a biological generic or specific name. 2a : lost in thought also : absorbed in some preoccupation. b : already occupied.

What is an example of preoccupied?

The definition of preoccupied is someone who is busy with or engaged in something. An example of preoccupied is a person who is texting while driving.

Is it good to be preoccupied?

It’s good to be preoccupied when you’re driving, as long as you’re preoccupied with the road and not with your cell phone. Have you ever been so preoccupied with another person that you couldn’t hear or see anyone else when you were in the same room as them? Well, it sounds like you were in love!

What does absentminded mean in English?

Definition of absentminded 1a : lost in thought and unaware of one’s surroundings or actions : preoccupied was too absentminded to notice what time it was. b : tending to forget or fail to notice things : given to absence of mind (see absence sense 3) Her absentminded husband forgot their anniversary.

What is preoccupied mind?

Preoccupation is a state of mind in which you think about something so much that you do not consider other things to be important.

What is the synonym of preoccupied?

Some common synonyms of preoccupied are absentminded, absent, abstracted, and distracted.

What does it mean when someone is preoccupied?

[The preoccupied] are hypervigilant about separations, likely to become anxious or even panicky when left, and to be overcome by feelings of clinginess and impotent rage. They do not readily venture forth or take chances, for they do not believe their attachment needs will ever be met.

What is the meaning of ‘preoccupation’?

preoccupation – an idea that preoccupies the mind and holds the attention. fixation, obsession – an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone.

What does preoccupied name mean?

preoccupied name (Noun) In zoological nomenclature, a name which is formally published, but which had already been used for another taxon; this second use is invalid (as are all subsequent uses) and the name must be replaced. How to pronounce preoccupied name?

What is another word for be preoccupied by?

Some common synonyms of preoccupied are absentminded, absent, abstracted, and distracted. While all these words mean “inattentive to what claims or demands consideration,” preoccupied often implies having one’s attention so taken up by thoughts as to neglect others.

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