
What does Lyophobic mean?

What does Lyophobic mean?

Medical Definition of lyophobic : marked by lack of strong affinity between a dispersed phase and the liquid in which it is dispersed — compare lyophilic, hydrophobic sense 3, oleophobic.

What is Lyophilic in chemistry?

Lyophilic colloids: Here ‘Lyo’ means ‘solvent’ and ‘philic’ means ‘to love’. These are those colloids which love liquids. When mixed with suitable liquids these colloids form strong bonds or strong forces of attraction with the liquid and thus this system has the ability to pass into a colloidal state easily.

What is called a dispersion phase?

Dispersed phase: The phase that is scattered or present in the form of colloidal particles is known as dispersed phase. Dispersion medium: The medium in which the colloidal particles are dispersed is called dispersion medium.

What is the difference between Lyophilic and Lyophobic?

Lyophilic colloids or lyophilic sols – solvent-loving. In case of water as a dispersion medium, they are known as hydrophilic….Difference between Lyophilic and Lyophobic Colloids.

Lyophilic Colloids Lyophobic Colloids
Highly stable and do not coagulate easily on adding electrolytes Unstable and can easily be coagulated by electrolytes

Are Lyophobic colloids?

-Lyophobic colloids: Lyophobic colloids are the colloidal solution in which the dispersed phase has very little affinity for the dispersion medium. The solution of this colloid is known as lyophobic sol and cannot be directly prepared. They are prepared by special methods. The lyophobic sols are irreversible in nature.

What is gold number chemistry?

The Gold Number is the minimum weight (in milligrams) of a protective colloid required to prevent the coagulation of 10 ml of a standard hydro gold sol when 1 ml of a 10% sodium chloride solution is added to it.

What are Lyophilic colloids?

-Lyophilic colloids: Lyophilic colloids are the colloidal solution in which the dispersed phase or the particles have a very strong affinity with the liquid. The solution of this colloid is known as lyophilic sol. These can be easily prepared by direct mixing or heating. The lyophilic sols are reversible in nature.

What is called dispersion face?

The phase that is scattered or present in the form of colloidal particles is called dispersed phase and the medium in which the colloidal particles are dispersed is called the dispersion medium.In a starch solution ,starch represents the dispersed phase while water represents the dispersion medium.

What is called dispersion medium?

Medical Definition of dispersion medium : the liquid, gaseous, or solid phase in a two-phase system in which the particles of the dispersed phase are distributed. — called also continuous phase, external phase.

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