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What does the case of Uzowulu tell us about Umuofian society?

What does the case of Uzowulu tell us about Umuofian society?

The embarrassment of begging his wife is the only punishment Uzowulu receives. This case illustrates that, in Umuofian culture, a woman is the property of her husband, but unwarranted and excessive violence against her is, in theory, inappropriate.

What is the decision of the Egwugwu after hearing the case for Mgbafo’s family against Uzowulu?

What is the decision of the egwugwu after hearing the case for Mgbafo’s family against Uzowulu? The bride-price is not to be paid back to Uzowulu. Uzowulu is to bring a pot of wine to Mgbafo’s family and beg that his wife be returned to him.

What is the case between Uzowulu and Odukwe what is the outcome?

Odukwe confirms that they beat up Uzowulu, took Mgbafo home, and refused to repay Uzowulu his bride price.

What is the decision of the Egwugwu in the case of Uzowulu and his runaway wife?

What is the decision of the egwugwu in the case of Uzowulu and his runaway wife? During the trial of Uzowulu and his wife’s brother, the Evil Forest, the head of the egwugwu decided that Uzowulu must pay the family of the wife if he wants to get her back.

What is Uzowulu in things fall apart?

Uzowulu is a man of Umuofia who claims that his brothers-in-law beat him and took away his wife and children and that they refuse to return his wife’s bride price. His wife’s brothers argue that Uzowulu beat their sister so badly that she miscarried a child, which justifies their actions.

What is the dispute that Uzowulu has brought?

The first dispute that comes before the egwugwu involves an estranged husband and wife. The husband, Uzowulu, states that the three brothers of his wife, Mgbafo, beat him and took her and the children from his hut but would not return her bride-price.

What are the Egwugwu in Things Fall Apart quizlet?

What is the “egwugwu” cult? A group of nine masked “spirits” (men) – one for each of the villages – who act as the judges for trials in Umuofia (89).

What was the result of Tortoise’s journey to the feast in the sky?

All of the birds have been invited to a feast in the sky and Tortoise persuades the birds to lend him feathers to make wings so that he can attend the feast as well. As they travel to the feast, Tortoise also persuades them to take new names for the feast according to custom.

What is the reason Uzowulu consults the Egwugwu in this chapter?

Uzowolu is a man accused by his brother in law of beating his wife. In Chapter 10, Uzowolu is brought before the Egwugwu to stand trial for his actions. Because his wife ran home to her family, Uzowolu demands that her bride price be returned.

What is the summary of Things Fall Apart?

Lesson Summary. Chapter ten of Things Fall Apart introduces the egwugwu of the clan, who convene in order to solve court cases. A case between a man and his wife’s family is presented and the egwugwu hear it and give a verdict.

What kind of character is Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart?

Okonkwo. Okonkwo is gruff, at times, and usually unable to express his feelings (the narrator frequently uses the word “inwardly” in reference to Okonkwo’s emotions). But his emotions are indeed quite complex, as his “manly” values conflict with his “unmanly” ones, such as fondness for Ikemefuna and Ezinma.

Who are the egwugwu in Things Fall Apart?

Egwugwu are high-ranking members of the village, who dress in masks and are filled with the spirits of the ancestors. Each egwugwu represents one of the nine villages in the area. These egwugwu speak with the authority and wisdom of the ancestors of the village and are not only respected, but feared.

Who is the tragic hero in Things Fall Apart?

Okonkwo is a tragic hero in the classical sense: although he is a superior character, his tragic flaw—the equation of manliness with rashness, anger, and violence—brings about his own destruction.

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