Common questions

What does the French term for seafood actually mean?

What does the French term for seafood actually mean?

French Translation. fruit de mer. More French words for sea food. le fruits de mer noun. shellfish.

Is Fishe French?

The French translation for fish is : un poisson, des poissons.

Is seafood feminine or masculine in French?


Principales traductions
Anglais Français
seafood n (edible fish, shellfish) (strictement parlant) produits de la mer nmpl nmpl = nom pluriel au masculin, nfpl = nom pluriel au féminin
(moins précis, courant) fruits de mer nmpl nmpl = nom pluriel au masculin, nfpl = nom pluriel au féminin
Robert likes seafood.

What is the English word for the French seafood called anguille?


From To Via
• anguille → European eel ↔ paling
• anguille → eel ↔ Aal

Do the French eat lobster?

Lobster in French Cuisine. Homard, Homard Bleu or Homard de Bretagne –. The two-clawed European lobster, a first cousin of the two-clawed North American lobster. On French menus, the European lobster, the homard, will often be called the homard bleu, the blue lobster.

What does COD mean in French?

un COD (un complément d’objet direct) : a direct object nom masculingrammaire. Un COD refers to the direct object of the sentence: the person or thing to which the action is done.

What is the French fish julienne?

English to French Fish Names

English Name French Name
Ling Julienne
Mackerel maquereau
Monkfish Lotte
Perch Perche

What is Colin fish in English?

Colin is the French name for hake, a similar fish, much more popular there than in Great Britain.

Do they eat crab in France?

Eating crab. French seafood restaurants usually offer, in season, the two most popular local crabs the edible brown crab called the Crabe Tourteau and the European spider crab called the Crabe Araignée or Araignée de Mer.

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