
What happens when the sun heats water on Earth?

What happens when the sun heats water on Earth?

When water at the ocean’s surface is heated by the Sun it gains energy. With enough energy, the molecules of liquid water change into water vapor and move into the air. Wherever water is heated by the Sun, evaporation can occur. Water evaporates from lakes, rivers, puddles, soil, and even your body.

What does heat near Earth’s surface cause the water to do?

When water molecules are heated, they exchange freely with the air in a process called evaporation. Ocean water is constantly evaporating, increasing the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air to form rain and storms that are then carried by trade winds.

What is the effect of the heat of the Sun to the water answer?

The sun is what makes the water cycle work. The sun provides what almost everything on Earth needs to go—energy, or heat. Heat causes liquid and frozen water to evaporate into water vapor gas, which rises high in the sky to form clouds clouds that move over the globe and drop rain and snow.

What heats faster air or water?

The results of the experiment showed that the air heated up the fastest. The sand and soil heated up at similar rates. The water heated up the slowest. The air cooled down the fastest.

How does the Sun cause water to evaporate?

There are two main ways this happens: Heat from the Sun causes water to evaporate from oceans, lakes and streams. Evaporation occurs when liquid water on Earth’s surface turns into water vapor in our atmosphere. Water from plants and trees also enters the atmosphere. This is called transpiration.

Why does the sun heat the Earth unevenly?

The uneven heating of the Earth’s surface is caused by the sun. This occurs because the Earth is a tilted sphere and the sun does not heat all its surfaces equally and because the sun’s heat penetrates land and water at different rates.

How does the sun affect the ocean currents?

An ocean current is a continuous flow of water in a particular direction. You can liken it to wind, except this occurs underwater. The sun warms up parts of the oceans. Warm waters rise just like warm air rises.

How is the Sun a source of energy?

The sun powers the wind by heating up our air. Different parts of the earth are closer to the sun depending upon the earth’s rotation (on its axis), so different areas of the earth will have warmer air. Also, different kinds of materials absorb the sun’s heat faster than others. As you may know, heat rises.

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