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What is a Mark 1 kit used for?

What is a Mark 1 kit used for?

Purpose. To provide EMS agencies with guidelines on the appropriate use of “Mark I Kits”. The “Mark I Kit” contains antidotes to be used in instances of exposure to a nerve or organophosphate agent. The Mark I kit consists of two autoinjectors containing Atropine Sulfate and Pralidoxime Chloride.

Which of the following Autoinjector kits contain both atropine and pralidoxime 2 Pam in one syringe as an antidote to nerve agent poisoning?

A newer model, the ATNAA (Antidote Treatment Nerve Agent Auto-Injector), has both the atropine and the pralidoxime in one syringe, allowing for simplified administration.

How do you decon a nerve agent?

Decontamination of liquid nerve agent exposure consists of removing all clothing, copiously irrigating with water to physically remove the nerve agent, and then washing the skin with an alkaline solution of soap and water or 0.5% hypochlorite solution (made by diluting household bleach 1:10) to chemically neutralize …

When do you use Duodotes?

DuoDote® is indicated for the treatment of poisoning by organophosphorous nerve agents as well as organophosphorous insecticides. DuoDote® should only be administered to patients experiencing symptoms of organophosphorous poisoning in a situation where exposure is known or suspected.

Do you give atropine or pralidoxime first?

Atropine, which is choice of drug to antagonise the muscarinic effects of organophosphates, is administered even before pralidoxime during the treatment of organophosphate poisoning.

When do you give pralidoxime?

Atropine and pralidoxime is usually given as soon as possible after the onset of poisoning symptoms. If you still have symptoms after 10 to 15 minutes, you will receive 2 more injections. Your breathing, blood pressure, oxygen levels, kidney function, and other vital signs will be watched closely.

How often should a Mark 1 kit be used?

Adult – Symptoms and Treatment of Nerve Agents. 3 Mark 1 Kits and repeat atropine every 5-10 minutes until secretions stop AND 1 Valium Auto- injector for seizures, if present 1-2 Mark 1 Kits and repeat atropine every 5-10 minutes until secretions stop Decontamination 1 Mark 1 Kit and Observation Only.

When to use a Mark 1 antidote kit?

Mark 1 antidote kits are available and are only to be used under the direction of medical control in accordance with a local REMAC approved Nerve Agent Exposure protocol. EMS agencies must be identified as a participant in a municipal response plan involving nerve agents.

Can a Mark I kit be used for prophylaxis?

The “Mark I Kit” is not to be used for self-administration or prophylaxis. Use of the “Mark I Kit” is to be based on signs and symptoms of the patient. The Suspicion or identified presence of a nerve agent is not sufficient reason to administer these medications.

How much Atropine is in a Mark 1 kit?

Each auto-injector contains pre-measured amounts of Atropine (2 mg total dose per injection) and 2-PAM CL (600 mg total dose per injection). Mark 1 antidote kits are available and are only to be used under the direction of medical control in accordance with a local REMAC approved Nerve Agent Exposure protocol.

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