
What is an example of a detail sentence?

What is an example of a detail sentence?

Detail sentence example. I related in detail what I’d learned on line. She was tense and waiting while his eyes took in every detail of her face.

What is a detail in a sentence?

Detail sentences are usually more “specific” than the topic, that is, they usually talk about one single or small part or side of an idea. Also, the words “for example”, “i.e.”, “that is”, “first”, “second”, “third”, etc., and “finally” often signal a detail. 4.

What you mean by detail?

1 : extended treatment of or attention to particular items explaining without going into detail giving careful attention to detail. 2 : a part of a whole: such as. a : a small and subordinate part : particular planned the wedding down to the smallest detail also : a reproduction of such a part of a work of art.

What is a non example of detail?

Example that is irrelevant to a rule or a definition already shown, used for a clearer explanation. noun. 27.

What is the difference between detail and details?

Details refer to every small information related to a document or a person. Detail refers to describing something in a detailed or vivid manner.

What are some examples of attention to detail?

Some examples of attention to detail for the environment of your organization are the color of the walls or the displayed artwork. In his guest blog for Ridiculously Efficient, “Why Companies Should Have Fine Art in the Workplace,” Andre Smith said that art leaves a lasting impression.

What are some examples of descriptive details?

5 Examples of How to Write a Good Descriptive Paragraph “A Friendly Clown” “On one corner of my dresser sits a smiling toy clown on a tiny unicycle-a gift I received last Christmas from a close friend. “The Blond Guitar” “My most valuable possession is an old, slightly warped blond guitar-the first instrument I taught myself how to play. “Gregory” “Gregory is my beautiful gray Persian cat.

What is a concrete detail sentence?

Concrete detail (CD) This sentence is the “what” is happening. It should be either facts, examples, illustrations, evidence, support, plot references, paraphrases, citations, quotations, plot summary, etc. It should be a concrete detail and should start with ‘for example’ or a different transition.

What is a detail sentence?

Detail sentences are usually more “specific” than the topic, that is, they usually talk about one single or small part or side of an idea. Also, the words “for example”, “i.e.”, “that is”, “first”, “second”, “third”, etc., and “finally” often signal a detail.

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