
What is APEC and what is its mission?

What is APEC and what is its mission?

The mission statement of APEC reads, “We are united in our drive to build a dynamic and harmonious Asia-Pacific community by championing free and open trade and investment, promoting and accelerating regional economic integration, encouraging economic and technical cooperation, enhancing human security, and …

Is APEC goal oriented?

(APEC), a regional forum of 21 member economies, has as its primary goal to ensure sustainable economic growth and prosperity through voluntary cooperation. reforms, and in 2009 the APEC Ease of Doing Business Action Plan was launched as a way to set collective targets and measure progress.

What is APEC vision?

Our vision is an open, dynamic, resilient and peaceful Asia-Pacific community by 2040, for the prosperity of all our people and future generations.

Which best defines APEC?

The definition of APEC is the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation which is 21 Pacific Rim countries including the United States, Japan, Australia, China, Thailand and Hong Kong that work to promote free trade and economic cooperation.

What is the aim and goal of APEC?

APEC’s 21 members aim to create greater prosperity for the people of the region by promoting balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative and secure growth and by accelerating regional economic integration.

What does APEC stand for?

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a forum of 21 Asia-Pacific economies.

What APEC means?

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a forum of 21 Asia-Pacific economies. APEC’s member economies are home to more than 2.7 billion people and make up over half of global GDP.

Who started APEC?

Bob Hawke
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation/Founders
The idea of APEC was firstly publicly broached by former Prime Minister of Australia Bob Hawke during a speech in Seoul, Korea, on 31 January 1989. Ten months later, 12 Asia-Pacific economies met in Canberra, Australia, to establish APEC.

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