
What is germinal variation class 10?

What is germinal variation class 10?

(ii) Germinal variation : This variation affects the germ cells of an organism and is consequently inheritable. It is received by the individual from the parents and is transmitted to the next generation. This variation is also known as mutation and the individual with this kind of variation is called as mutant.

What is somatic variation and germinal variation?

Somatic variations are the variations in the somatic cells of an organism which may be acquired by them in their life and are not passed on to their progenies. germinal variations are the variations in the germ cells of an organism and are passed on to their progenies….

What are the types of germinal variation?

– There are two types of germinal variation: continuous and discontinuous variations based on the transition stages present during the variation. Notes: Variations that take place in any other body cell other than the germinal cells i.e. in somatic cells are called somatic variations.

What are the causes of germinal variation?

Germinal mutations can be caused by radiation or chemical mutagens and may affect a single gene or an entire chromosome. A germinal mutation affects the progeny of the individual in whose reproductive cells the mutation arose and subsequent generations of that progeny.

What is the difference between somatic and gametic variation?

Somatic mutations are mutations that occur in cells of the body not including those cells that are responsible for reproduction. Gametic mutations occur in germline cells. This means that they may be passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes these mutations may not even be noticed.

What is Gametic mutation?

A mutation is a change in either the gene/genotype or the DNA sequence. A somatic mutation is a change in the DNA sequence and a gametic mutation is a change in the gamete. Gametic mutations are passed on to future offspring whereas somatic only affects the individual because it is acquired after birth.

What are the two types of germinal variations?

Accordingly, the germinal variations are of two types, continuous and discontinuous. 1. Continuous Variations: They are also called fluctuating variations because they fluctuate on either side (both plus and minus) of a mean or average for the species.

What kind of variation occurs in germ cells?

Germinal variation is the genetic variation that occurs in germ cells. It is also known as blastogenic variation. The genetic material of the gametes or the germ cells becomes mutated due to several reasons.

What causes Germinal variation in the sex cell?

Furthermore, they can arise suddenly due to the errors in the cell division. One of the major reasons for germinal variation is the recombination. During the sex cell formation by meiosis, chromosomal abnormalities can occur due to nondisjunction mutation, etc. Furthermore, radiation also can cause for germinal variation.

Where does the word Germinal come from in English?

Origin of germinal First recorded in 1800–10; from French or directly from Latin germin- (stem of germen “sprout, bud”; see origin at germ) + -al 1 OTHER WORDS FROM germinal ger·mi·nal·ly, adverb non·ger·mi·nal, adjective sub·ger·mi·nal, adjective sub·ger·mi·nal·ly, adverb

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