
What is hydrogenated fat and why is it bad for you?

What is hydrogenated fat and why is it bad for you?

Consuming trans fats, especially those from hydrogenated oils, increases your LDL cholesterol. This is the “bad” type of cholesterol that clogs and hardens your arteries, leading to a higher risk of blood clotting, heart attack, or stroke.

Are fully hydrogenated fats bad for you?

Fully hydrogenated fats are sometimes listed as “interesterified oils” on ingredient labels. Fully hydrogenation creates a very hard fat that manufactures mix with oils to soften them up. The “ugly fats” are trans-fats. These fats are ugly because they raise our bad cholesterol and lower the good cholesterol.

What is the fat called which has been hydrogenated?

artificial trans fats
However, artificial trans fats — otherwise known as industrial trans fats or partially hydrogenated fats — are hazardous to your health. These fats occur when vegetable oils are chemically altered to stay solid at room temperature, which gives them a much longer shelf life ( 11 ).

Are hydrogenated fats good for you?

Trans fat, particularly the manufactured variety found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, appears to have no known health benefit. Experts recommend keeping your intake of trans fat as low as possible.

What happens when you hydrogenate fat?

Since the process of hydrogenation adds hydrogen atoms to oil, it will reduce the number of unsaturated fatty acids and increase the number of saturated fatty acids in the oil.

What does hydrogenated fat do to the body?

Trans fats or hydrogenated fats may interfere with the ability of the cells of the body to metabolize the fats that are good for you. This may damage cell membranes of vital structures, such as the brain and nerve cells.

What are the worst fats?

The worst types of fats are hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats. These are most likely to boost cholesterol levels if regularly consumed. The chemical process that causes hydrogenation has been linked to heart disease and to other illnesses. The best is monounsaturated fat , like canola or olive oil.

Are hydrogenated fats same as trans fats?

Hydrogenated fats contain another kind of fat that falls outside of the saturated and unsaturated categories. These are trans fatty acids, or trans fats , so-named because the hydrogenation process transports hydrogen atoms across the fat molecule to a new location.

Which fat is created through hydrogenation?

Trans fat is created through a process called hydrogenation, which adds hydrogen molecules to highly unsaturated (liquid) oil, such as vegetable oil, corn oil, or soybean oil. After hydrogenation, the oil is called “partially hydrogenated” when listed on the package’s ingredients list, and it contains trans fats.

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