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What is mean by keep up?

What is mean by keep up?

Definition of keep up transitive verb. : to persist or persevere in kept up the good work also : maintain, sustain keep standards up. intransitive verb. 1 : to keep adequately informed or up-to-date keep up on international affairs. 2 : to continue without interruption rain kept up all night.

How do you use keep in a sentence?

The rain kept on throughout the day. He talked and talked. At one point I thought he would keep on all night. She kept on talking after I told her to be quiet.

How do you use keep up?

keep up ​Definitions and Synonyms Keep up the good work. The trade unions continued to keep up pressure for higher wages. She tried to appear cheerful but couldn’t keep it up. His family kept up the pretence that he had been ill.

What is putting up with me?

“putting up with” is a way of saying that even though a person does something annoying, inconsiderate, or any other negative word, you still stay around them and are still friends with them.

What is the meaning of used up?

Worn out; depleted; exhausted; having nothing left; useless, due to the expenditure of all resources. That used up old man is no good in a fight. adjective. 2.

WHEN TO USE keep or keeps?

As verbs the difference between keeps and keep is that keeps is (keep) while keep is to continue in (a course or mode of action); not to intermit or fall from; to maintain.

What does it mean to keep up with someone?

to do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with someone or something: He started to walk faster and the children had to run to keep up.

Is it put or puting?

Putting (puuting) is the act of placing something, of moving something to a different position. Putting is a gerund of the verb put or the present participle of the verb put.

Which is the best definition of keep up?

1 : to keep adequately informed or up-to-date keep up on international affairs. 2 : to continue without interruption rain kept up all night. 3 : to maintain contact or relations with someone keep up with old friends.

When do you use the phrase keep up the good work?

To continue doing something in the way one has been doing it. Often used as an imperative, especially in the phrases “keep it up” and “keep up the good work.” Wow, these look great. Keep up the good work, James!

When to use the pronoun keep someone up?

To prevent someone from sleeping by making noise, distracting them, etc. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is often used between “keep” and “up.”

What does it mean to keep doing the same thing?

To continue doing something in the same manner or to the same level of proficiency. You’re doing a great job so far, James! Keep it up! I can’t continue working like this. If I keep it up much longer, I’ll get totally burned out. I’ve told you already to stop messing around, Janet! Keep it up, and I’ll send you to the principal’s office.

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