
What is Schedule of Indian Constitution?

What is Schedule of Indian Constitution?

Schedules of Indian Constitution & Articles

Schedules of Indian Constitution Articles of Indian Constitution
First Schedule Article 1 and Article 4
Second Schedule Articles: 59 65 75 97 125 148 158 164 186 221
Third Schedule Articles: 75 84 99 124 146 173 188 219
Fourth Schedule Article 4 and Article 80

What is meant by schedule in law?

Schedule means a schedule attached to, and forming part of, the Contract. Sample 2. Sample 3. Based on 761 documents. 761.

What is the need of schedules in constitution?

The schedule is not only used in the Indian Constitution but also under various legislations for different purposes. It is used to lay down the list of states and union territories, a list of different subject matter falling under the responsibility of the state, union, or both.

What is this word scheduled?

arranged or planned according to a programme, timetable, etca scheduled meeting; a change to the scheduled programmes on TV tonight.

Who introduced 9th schedule?

the Nehru Government
The first amendment to the Indian Constitution added the Ninth Schedule to it. It was introduced by the Nehru Government, on 10 May 1951 to address judicial decisions and pronouncements especially about the chapter on fundamental rights.

What does schedule mean in a document?

a Schedule is “a written list or inventory; esp., a statement that is attached to a document and that gives a detailed showing of the matters referred to in the document”.

How many Schedules are there in the Indian Constitution?

12 schedules
With 12 schedules and five appendices, it has been amended 104 times; the latest amendment became effective on 25 January 2020.

What is Schedule and Article?

Answer: Schedules are lists in the constitution that categorizes and tabulates bureaucratic activity and policy of the government. In other words, Schedules give extra information about the points referred to in various articles of the constitution. Niccherip5 and 9 more users found this answer helpful. Thanks 4.

What does’schedule’mean in the Indian Constitution?

A schedule of the Indian Constitution is an appendix or annexure highlighting lists or details mentioned in its main text. For example, article 2 of the constitution of India (CoI) says, ‘The States and the Territories thereof shall be as specified in the First Schedule.’ Article 3B also mentions the First Schedule.

What are the schedules in the US Constitution?

Like functions, real numbers, inequalities, exponents, polynomials etc., are chapters under algebra. Schedules are lists in the constitution that categorizes and tabulates bureaucratic activity and policy of the government. In other words, Schedules give extra information about the points referred to in various articles of the constitution.

Is the 7th schedule an appendix to the Constitution?

Schedule is nothing but like an appendix to the Constitution. They contain the details that are not feasible to write inside the different articles. For eg: article 246 (1) states that parliament has the exclusive power to make laws on any of the subject mentioned in list 1 of 7th schedule.

Which is the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution?

Sixth Schedule contains provisions as to the Administration of Tribal Areas in the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram. Seventh Schedule contains the Union list, State list and the concurrent list.

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