Common questions

What is the density of Michigan?

What is the density of Michigan?

176.8 residents per square mile
In 2018, the population density of Michigan stood at 176.8 residents per square mile of land area.

What is the most densely populated state in the US?

New Jersey
U.S. Population, Population Density, and Rank by State, 2010

State Population Population Density Rank
District of Columbia 601,723 1
New Jersey 8,791,894 2
Rhode Island 1,052,567 3
Massachusetts 6,547,629 4

What percent of Michigan population is black?


White alone, percent  79.2%
Black or African American alone, percent(a)  14.1%
American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent(a)  0.7%
Asian alone, percent(a)  3.4%

What is the population density of Detroit?

4,878 persons per square mile
The maps take into account the 139 square miles of land in the city, with a population of 677,116. This creates a population density of 4,878 persons per square mile. If Detroit’s population was as dense as other major cities, how big would it be?

What state is least popular?

20 Least-Visited States (and Why They’re Worth Your Time)

  • Iowa. Visitors: 16 million.
  • West Virginia. Visitors: 15.9 million.
  • South Dakota. Visitors: 14.5 million.
  • Vermont. Visitors: 13 million.
  • Montana. Visitors: 12.6 million.
  • Delaware (tie) Visitors: 9.2 million.
  • Wyoming (tie) Visitors: 9.2 million.
  • Alaska. Visitors: 2.53 million.

What are the demographics of Michigan?

In terms of gender, females make up just over half of the people living in Michigan at 50.8% while men make up 49.2%. Michigan Racial Demographics. In terms of races and ethnicities Michigan breaks down as follows: 78.9% Caucasian. 13.9% African American. 2.8% Asian. 2.7% two or more races.

How many people live in Michigan?

As of 2018, the state of Michigan has an estimated population of 9.99 million. The last confirmed set of population figures date from the countrywide census of 2010 when it was declared that there were 9,883,640 people living in Michigan.

What is the population of Dearborn Heights, MI?

Dearborn Heights is a city in Wayne County, in the Detroit metropolitan area, in the State of Michigan . The population was 57,774 at the 2010 census.

What does population density tell us?

Answer. Population density is a measurement of the number of people in an area. It is an average number. A look at population density of a place tells us whether that place is easy or difficult to live in. Sparsely populated places tend to be difficult to live in and such are places that usually have hostile environments e.g.

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