
What is the exposition of the leap?

What is the exposition of the leap?

The exposition, or background, begins with a short prologue that describes the mother as an old woman in her house in New Hampshire. The narrator then goes back in time and relates a tragedy that occurs when her mother, Anna of the Flying Avalons, and her first husband have a terrible accident.

What do you learn about the narrator’s mother in the exposition of the leap?

What do we find out about the mom in the exposition? She is blind and she used to be in a trapeze act called the Flying Avalons. “lips destined to never meet again” is an example of what?

How does the reader learn about the narrator in the leap?

In the story “The Leap” by Louise Erdrich, readers learn that the narrator shows her love by returning home to entertain her blind mother by reading to her. She is haunted by visions of the fire her mother rescued her from. She is also grateful to her mother for saving her life.

What is the message of the story the leap?

The theme of “The Leap” by Louise Erdrich is that survival often depends upon the ability to use reason. The narrator’s mother exhibits quick-thinking when lightning strikes the tent pole during her trapeze act with her first husband.

What is the resolution in the leap?

The resolution is that she save herself and her daughter. The other conflict is Anna has to perform dangerous actions to save her and her daughter. This is a external conflict, because it is character vs outside force. The resolution is that she save her the narrator from the fire.

What is the climax of the story the leap?

It is this climax, when the narrator is apparently facing certain death, that gives the mother the opportunity to use her amazing agility and talent as a trapeze artist to make “the leap” that a squirrel would have struggled to make and rescue her daughter.

What are the many ways in which the narrator’s mother displays courage What do her actions imply about her character?

She showed courage by working in a dangerous job while seven months pregnant. Moreover, when lightning struck the tent she was performing in, she had the courage to grip onto a wire, which burned her hands, but protected the life of her unborn child.

What is the climax of the short story the leap?

What is the setting of the leap?

What is the setting in the leap? The story takes place in New Hampshire. When the narrator’s mother swings into the room to save her from the fire.

What does the reader learn about the narrator’s mother in the leap?

In the exposition, the reader of ” The Leap ” learns that the narrator’s mother, Anna Avalon, is a very resourceful woman, as well as a quick thinker. Central to the theme of this story is the mother’s remark to her daughter that she would be

What is the story of the leap about?

“The Leap” is mainly about how the daughter of a trapeze artist has come to the realization that she owes her mother her very existence a total of three different times. from cataracts. birds…” When the narrator tells the reader about the house fire when she was seven years old, she speaks of it as a memory, something that has already happened.

What is the theme of the leap by Louise Erdrich?

The theme of “The Leap” by Louise Erdrich is that survival often depends upon the ability to use reason. The narrator’s mother exhibits quick-thinking when lightning strikes the tent pole during…

How does the mother save the daughter in the leap?

In “The Leap,” compare the three ways in which the mother somehow saves the daughter’s life. In “The Leap,” Anna Avalon saves the life of her daughter (the narrator) in three very different ways. In the first instance, for example, Anna saves her own life when she is the victim of a freak…

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