Common questions

What is the highest post in post office?

What is the highest post in post office?

Chief Postmaster General
They are responsible for running ‘India Post’, the largest postal network in the world which provides services ranging from traditional postal services to banking and e-commerce services….Indian Postal Service (IPoS) – Grades and Pay Scales.

Rank Pay Level
Chief Postmaster General Rs.144200
Postmaster General Rs.131100

What is postal network?

postal network means the equipment and facilities for receiving, sorting, transporting and delivering postal items.

Who started postal Service in India?

Background. Britain’s involvement in the postal services of India began in the eighteenth century. Initially the service was administered by the East India Company who established post offices in Mumbai, Chennai and Calcutta (now Kolkata) between 1764 and 1766.

Which country has highest postal?

India has the largest postal network in the world with 1,55,618 post offices and over 5,66,000 employees. The modern postal service in India is more than 150 years old.

What is salary of postmaster?

The salary of a postmaster (BCR) is Rs. 7300/- to Rs. 9800/- per month.

Who is the head of India Post?

Postal Services Board, Dak Bhawan,New Delhi-110001.

Name Designation EPABX
Shri Vineet Pandey Secretary, Department of Posts & Chairperson, Postal Services Board 4800
Shri Alok Sharma Director General(Posts) 4709
Ms Aindri Anurag Member (Operation) 4713
Ms. Smita Kumar Member (Technology) 4707

Why is Indian postal network largest in the world?

India has the world’s largest postal network. With more than 1.5 lakh post offices spread across the country, India has the largest postal network in the world. Remarkably, 90% of the total post offices in the country are situated in rural areas.

Where is the world’s highest post office located?

Hikkim village
Hikkim village has a post office situated at an elevation of 4,400 m (14,400 ft) and this post office is the one of the highest post offices in the world. Inarguably , the post office located in India’s highest altitude . The post office connects small villages in this isolated region to the rest of the world.

Who invented the post office?

Benjamin Franklin
That’s why three months after the battles of Lexington and Concord, the Continental Congress turned to Benjamin Franklin to establish a national post service as the first Postmaster General.

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