
What is the importance of Indian coastline?

What is the importance of Indian coastline?

So, India having a large coastline gives way to a number of sea transports. It implies a low cost of imports and exports. Southwest monsoon in India that is brought by the Indian ocean helps in thriving agriculture. Access to the Indian Ocean helps India to facilitate one of the largest fishing industry in the world.

What is the importance of coastlines?

Coasts and estuaries form a dynamic, transition zone between the land and the sea and help Australians achieve many economic, social and environmental benefits. The Australian coastline extends approximately 34 000 kilometres (excluding all small offshore islands) and includes more than 1000 estuaries.

What are the importance of coastal plains?

Many parts of the Indian coastal plains have rich fertile soil on which, apart from rice, a large variety of crops are grown. A coconut tree grows all along the coast. i. A large number of big and small ports have been developed all along the coastal areas.

What is the land of Indian coastline?

Coastal States of India: India has a coastline of 7516.6 km– 5422.6 km of mainland coastline and 2094 km of island territories. India has nine coastal states….Arfa Javaid.

Coastal Data
Length of Coastline 7516.6 km
Total Land Area 3,287,263 km2
Area of the continental shelf 372,424 km2

What is the importance of large land boundaries and vast coastline of India?

Answer Expert Verified 1) India has a strategic position in South Asia, which connects both East and West Asia. 2) Its strategic location helps the country to maintain trade and commerce links with countries in both East and West Asia. 3) It helps in greater social contact and cultural exchange with other countries.

What is the importance of India’s location?

Thus, India dominates the Indian Ocean and commands an important strategic position. The central location of India is considered of great significance as it helps India to keep a close contact for business purpose with West Asia, Africa and Europe from western coast, and Southeast and East Asia from the eastern coast.

How is the long coastline beneficial to India?

The long coastline of India helps it to give India a prominent position in the Indian Ocean. It gives an advantage to India for larger no. of sea routes for imports and exports. Also it gives India the two seas; the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian sea.

How does the land boundary and vast coastline help India?

India’s land boundary is 15,200 Km, surrounded by neighbouring country. India spends lot on protection of border. Vast Coastline helps in international trade and marine resources.

What are the implication of India having the long coastline?

What are the implications of India having a long coastline? The implications: (i) It provides easy transport and act as a trade route with different countries. (ii)It also poses challenges to national security from the hostile neighbour.

What is the significance of the coastal plains of India?

Significance of the Coastal Plains Large parts of the coastal plains of India are covered by fertile soils on which different crops are grown. Rice is the main crop of these areas. Coconut trees grow all along the coast. The entire length of the coast is dotted with big and small ports which help in carrying out trade.

Why are the Indian Ocean islands so important?

These islands have strategic significance due to their location, proximity to trade routes and well developed harbours. History has borne the fact that in the past, western maritime power could control the Indian Ocean and littoral countries by virtue of possessing these islands.

Why is the coast of India straight and regular?

The straight and regular coastline of India is the result of faulting of the Gondwanaland during the Cretaceous period. { Continental Drift } As such the coast of India does not offer many sites for good natural harbours.

Why is India important as a maritime nation?

India is and will remain a maritime nation. Its prosperity and development is intrinsically linked to the seas. India is also well placed to take the lead in coordinating bilateral and multilateral arrangements to ensure maritime security to safeguard her national interests.

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