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What is the longest ear hair?

What is the longest ear hair?

According to Official Guinness Records, Anthony Victor (India) has hair sprouting from the centre of his outer ears (middle of the pinna) that measures 18.1 cm (7.12 in) at its longest point.

What is the longest someone can grow their hair?

World’s longest hair recorded is over 18 feet long. Xie Qiuping from China, whose hair was 18 feet and 5.54 inches long when last measured in 2004, currently holds the record for world’s longest documented hair. She has been growing her hair since 1973 from the age of 13.

How long is Xie Qiuping hair?

18 feet 5.54 inches
Xie Qiuping from China has been growing her hair since 1973 from the age of 13. She now holds the record for the longest female hair with a length of 5.627 metres (18 feet 5.54 inches) when last measured. That’s nearly as long as the height of a giraffe!

What race has thick hair?

Middle Eastern, South Asian, South American, and Native American. These varying races have something in common– thick hair.

Is there a world record for the biggest poop?

3. The Longest Recorded Poop Was 26 Feet. The longest poop ever recorded was 26 feet. In 1995, a woman in Ann Arbor, Michigan worked in conjunction with nutritionists to eat a super-fiber-rich diet to set a world record for the longest single excrement ever recorded.

What is the longest human ear hair ever measured?

According to Guinness World Records, the longest ear hair in the world belongs to Victor Anthony, a retiree from Madurai, India. It measures just over 7 inches long . In the vast majority of cases, excess ear hair is normal and harmless, though it may be a good idea to have it examined by your doctor during routine physicals.

How long is the world’s longest hair?

It stretched in a thick, matted cord around his body, resembling a massive, furry boa constrictor. The official world record for the longest hair is held by Xie Qiuping of China, whose hair was measured in 2004 at 4.2 meters (14 ft) long.

What is the longest hair ever?

The official world record for the longest hair is held by Xie Qiuping of China, whose hair was measured in 2004 at 4.2 meters (14 ft) long. If Hay’s hair was as long as it is claimed to be – or even as long as the 6.2 meters that was reported in 2006 – it would have taken the record by a considerable distance.

What is hairy ear?

Hairy ears are an example of a gene once thought to be Y-linked in humans; however, that hypothesis was discredited. Due to advancements in DNA sequencing, Y linkage is getting easier to determine and prove. The Y-chromosome is almost entirely mapped, revealing many y-linked traits.


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