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What is the meaning of for your convenience?

What is the meaning of for your convenience?

Loosely speaking, “for your convenience” is an expression used to explicitly convey the benefit of a writer or speaker’s utterance. To put it in context, the writer or speaker may use the expression “for your convenience” to deliberately inform an addressee of the expected outcome of an action or situation.

What does available at your convenience mean?

at a suitable time, at your leisure, in your own time, whenever you like. More Synonyms of at your convenience.

What does it mean when someone says at your earliest convenience?

as soon as someone is able to do something. Please call me back at your earliest convenience. Synonyms and related words. Soon and as soon as possible. soon.

What is another way to say at your earliest convenience?

‘As Soon As Possible’ Synonyms

  1. “… by [date and time] because [reason]”
  2. “When you have a chance [in the next day, before tomorrow, this week]”
  3. “I apologize for the urgency, but could you please [do X, send me Y, complete Z] at your soonest possible convenience?”
  4. “EOD”

When you are at your convenience?

No, saying “at your convenience” is generally understood to be a polite way of saying that you recognize that the other person is very busy, and so asking them to choose a time for a meeting instead of you selecting a time.

What does it mean to be someone’s convenience?

Definition of at someone’s convenience : at a time that is convenient for someone : at a time that will not cause someone too much trouble or effort I’ll be happy to meet with you at your convenience.

What’s the difference between convenient and convenience?

Convenience: Convenience is a noun. Convenient: Convenient is an adjective. It is almost always followed by a noun.

Is it rude to say at your convenience?

Is saying at your earliest convenience rude?

At my earliest convenience It comes across as inconsiderate, if not outright rude. If you do have time to honor a request, instead of saying you’ll get around to it when it’s convenient, tell the person when they can expect your response.

Is it rude to say earliest convenience?

At your earliest convenience Although there’s nothing wrong with this phrase, it might actually be too polite, or at least too open-ended. Although you could use softer, less jaron-laden language like “whenever you have time” or “as soon as you’re able”, once again, we prefer specificity.

What does convenience mean in a relationship?

Couples who are together for convenience tend to voice their issues to other people and the emotional connection with their partner isn’t necessarily there. Even if you feel that your relationship is just one of convenience, you can still add some love into it.

What does it mean to say ” at Your Convenience “?

(1). Please arrange a time and place to meet at your convenience. No, saying “at your convenience” is generally understood to be a polite way of saying that you recognize that the other person is very busy, and so asking them to choose a time for a meeting instead of you selecting a time.

What’s the best way to use request your presence?

You can choose formal wording, such as “request your presence” or less formal verbiage, such as “cordially invites you to attend”. Make Safe Zones If you are a teacher, even the odds against you by banning killing by knocking on the staffroom door and requesting your presence!

Is it wrong to say at your earliest convenience?

At your earliest convenience. Although there’s nothing wrong with this phrase, it might actually be too polite, or at least too open-ended. Although you could use softer, less jaron-laden language like “whenever you have time” or “as soon as you’re able”, once again, we prefer specificity.

Can you arrange a meeting at Your Convenience?

(1). Please arrange a time and place to meet at your convenience. 3 Answers 3. No, saying “at your convenience” is generally understood to be a polite way of saying that you recognize that the other person is very busy, and so asking them to choose a time for a meeting instead of you selecting a time.

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