Common questions

What is the original shape of a transformation?

What is the original shape of a transformation?

A transformation is a general term for four specific ways to manipulate the shape and/or position of a point, a line, or geometric figure. The original shape of the object is called the Pre-Image and the final shape and position of the object is the Image under the transformation.

Is the original figure in a transformation?

A transformation can be a translation, reflection, or rotation. A transformation is a change in the position, size, or shape of a geometric figure. The given figure is called the preimage (original) and the resulting figure is called the new image.

How can you tell which figure in a transformation is the original figure?

Which of the following describes how you can tell which figure in a transformation is the original figure? It is always the figure on the left. It is always the larger figure.

What is the original image called before being transformed?

The new figure created by a transformation is called the image. The original figure is called the preimage.

Which type of transformation creates an image not congruent to the original shape?

The only choice that involves changing the size of a figure is letter a) dilation and as a result, creates two figures that are NOT congruent. The other three choices merely “move” a shape to a new location (i.e. rotated, translated, or reflected) and result in a congruent figure.

Which describes a transformation in which the original figure and its transformed figure are congruent?

A rigid transformation is a transformation where the original figure, or preimage, and the transformed figure, or image, are still congruent. The three types of congruence transformations are reflection (or flip), translation (or slide), and rotation (or turn).

What is an identity transformation in geometry?

A translation in the plane is an isometry that moves every point in the plane a fixed distance in a fixed direction. translation. This is often referred to as the identity transformation, and is denoted I. Your figure ends up where it started.

When a pre-image original figure is transformed what is the new figure called and how is it Labelled?

These new figures are called images and the original figures are called preimages. The operation that maps(moves)the preimage onto the image is called a transformation. There are 3 basic transformations that are related to congruence(isometries): reflections, rotations, and translations.

What is the pre-image called?

The pre-image is soemtimes called the object.

How do you describe a transformation?

A transformation is a way of changing the size or position of a shape. Every point in the shape is translated the same distance in the same direction.

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