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What is the protoplasm in a cell composed of?

What is the protoplasm in a cell composed of?

The protoplasm is the living material of the cell. It is primarily composed of biomolecules like nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. It also holds inorganic salts and molecules of water. The protoplasm is surrounded by the membrane of the cells.

What do you mean by protoplasm and of what they are made up of?

1 : the organized colloidal complex of organic and inorganic substances (such as proteins and water) that constitutes the living nucleus, cytoplasm, plastids, and mitochondria of the cell. 2 : cytoplasm.

Who found out that cells are composed of protoplasm?

Max Schultze
Max Schultze in 1861 proposed the “Protoplasm Doctrine” which states that all living cells are made of a living substance called Protoplasm.

What is cytoplasm and protoplasm?

The cytoplasm contains organelles, Cytosol, enzymes, proteins Whereas, the Protoplasm contains Cytoplasm and nucleus. The cytoplasm is composed of water, salt, and protein whereas the Protoplasm is composed of liquids, carbohydrates, proteins, and a nucleus.

What is cell protoplasm?

protoplasm, the cytoplasm and nucleus of a cell. The term was first defined in 1835 as the ground substance of living material and, hence, responsible for all living processes. Today the term is used to mean simply the cytoplasm and nucleus.

What is protoplasm Class 9 Ncert?

Hint: Protoplasm is considered as the living part of the cell. It comprises different cellular organelles. It is a jelly-like, colorless, transparent, and viscous living substance present within the cell wall.

What is protoplasm who gave the term protoplasm?

Protoplasm was first termed by Johannes Purkinje in 1940. This word was used by Johannes Purkinje of Prague who had studied the contents of plant cells. Purkinje decided to call this living cell substance protoplasm from the Greek name Protoplastus which, in turn, came from the ancient liturgy of the Christian church.

What is protoplasm in cell?

What makes up the composition of the protoplasm?

Protoplasm is the content of a cell that is surrounded by the cell membrane. It includes cytoplasm and nucleoplasm. It is composed of a mixture of macromolecules like ions, amino acids, monosaccharides, macromolecules like nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and polysaccharides, water and inorganic salts.

When was the cell first defined as a protoplasm?

Protoplasm had been defined in 1835 as the ground substance of living material and hence responsible for all living processes. That life is an activity of an elementary particle, the cell, can be contrasted with the view that it is the expression of a living complex substance—even a supermolecule—called a protoplasm.

How does the protoplasm help in the reproduction process?

A cell helps with the mitosis (in more evolved organisms) and meiosis processes in reproduction. The living protoplasm responds to stimuli, e.g. responds to light by retinal cells in the eye. It is the protoplasm’s ability to respond to stimuli, and is an aspect of life itself that disappears with cell death.

When did the concept of the cell develop?

As the concept of the cell as the elementary particle of life developed during the 19th century, it was paralleled by the “ protoplasm ” concept—the idea that the protoplasm within the cell is responsible for life. Protoplasm had been defined in 1835 as the ground substance of living material and hence responsible for all living processes.

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