
What is the value of the European steel market?

What is the value of the European steel market?

The European steel market is expected to reach US$107.5 billion in 2025, at a negative CAGR of 3.03%, for the duration spanning 2021-2025.

How much steel does Europe produce?

Production – the EU is the second largest producer of steel in the world after China. Its output is over 177 million tonnes of steel a year, accounting for 11% of global output.

How much steel does Europe import?

The European Union was collectively the world’s largest steel importer in 2018. In year-to-date 2019 (through March), further referred to as YTD 2019, the E.U. imported 11.2 million metric tons of steel, a 3 percent decrease from 11.5 million metric tons in YTD 2018.

Who is the largest steel producer in Europe?

Steel production in Turkey exceeded last year’s performance in 2020, despite the pandemic, and reached 35.8 million mt, up 6% on year. Turkey, thus became Europe’s largest and the world’s seventh largest steel producer surpassing Germany.

Which is the biggest steel company in the world?

China Baowu Group
Top steel-producing companies 2020

1 China Baowu Group (1) 115.29
2 ArcelorMittal (2) 78.46
3 HBIS Group (3) 43.76
4 Shagang Group 41.59

Which country is the largest exporter of steel?

China was the world’s largest steel exporter in 2019. In 2019, China exported 62.0 million metric tons of steel, a 7.3 percent decrease from 66.9 million metric tons in 2018. China’s exports represented about 15 percent of all steel exported globally in 2019.

Which country imports the most steel?

The United States is the world’s largest steel importer (2019 ranking). In 2019, the U.S. imported 26.3 million metric tons of steel, a 15 percent decrease from 30.8 million metric tons in 2018.

Who owns the most steel in the world?

In case of more than 50% ownership, 100% of the subsidiary’s tonnage is included, unless specified otherwise….Top steel-producing companies 2020.

1 China Baowu Group (1) 115.29
2 ArcelorMittal (2) 78.46
3 HBIS Group (3) 43.76
4 Shagang Group 41.59

Which country makes the best steel?

Which Countries are the World’s Top Five Steel Producers?

  1. China. Crude Steel Production: 803.83 million tons.
  2. Japan. Crude Steel Production: 166.18 million tons.
  3. India. Crude Steel Production: 89.58 million tons.
  4. United States. Crude Steel Production: 78.92 million tons.
  5. Russia. Crude Steel Production: 71.11 million tons.

How much steel does the UK produce per year?

As of 2018, China accounted for over half of all steel produced that year, while the EU28 made up less than 10 percent of the market. Since the financial crash in 2009, production in the UK has dropped to a low of 7.3 million tons in 2018, though 2013 and 2014 saw output increases.

Which is the largest producer of steel in the EU?

Seven EU countries produce more steel than the UK, including large economies like Germany, Italy, and France. The UK is responsible for 4% of the EU’s crude steel production.

How much steel does the United States export?

According to the ITA as of February 2019: The United States was the world’s fifteenth-largest steel exporter in 2017. In 2018, the United States exported 8.4 million metric tons of steel, a 17% decrease from 10.1 million metric tons in 2017.

Is there a tariff on steel in the EU?

In February 2019, the EU put into place a “ definitive safeguard ” on steel imports. The safeguard covers 26 steel product categories, and applies quotas on how much of these products can be imported to the EU tariff-free. Once the quota has been surpassed, an import tariff of 25% is applied.

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