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What large sea is between Europe and Africa?

What large sea is between Europe and Africa?

The Mediterranean Sea
The Mediterranean Sea stretches from the Atlantic Ocean on the west to the Asian continent on the east, and separates Europe from Africa.

Which sea separates the continent of?

Red sea
The sea which separates the continent of Asia and Africa is the Red sea.

Which sea separates Africa from Asia?

the Red Sea
The Suez Canal happens to traverse the isthmus between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, dividing Africa and Asia.

Who separates Europe from Africa?

The Strait of Gibraltar is a narrow waterway separating the Atlantic Ocean (bottom left) from the Mediterranean Sea (top right). This 13-kilometer-wide waterway also separates Europe and Africa, with Spain and Gibraltar on the left and Morocco on the right.

Which sea separates the continents Asia and Africa?

The Suez Canal happens to traverse the isthmus between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, dividing Africa and Asia. The very narrow land connections are themselves regarded as naturally dividing the continents.

What Sea is located south of Europe and North of Africa?

The Mediterranean Sea is a sea connected to the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by the Mediterranean Basin and almost completely enclosed by land: on the north by Southern Europe and Anatolia , on the south by North Africa and on the east by the Levant .

Is Europe and Africa separated by the Mediterranean Sea?

The Mediterranean Sea separates Europe and Africa . It connects with the Atlantic Ocean through a narrow gap at the western end called the Straits of Gibraltar. The Atlantic Ocean separates Europe from the Americas.

What is a sea between Africa and Europe?

Mediterranean Sea, an intercontinental sea that stretches from the Atlantic Ocean on the west to Asia on the east and separates Europe from Africa. It has often been called the incubator of Western civilization.

What sea touches Asia and Europe and Africa?

The Mediterranean Sea is a large body of water with Europe to the north, northern Africa to the south, and southwestern Asia to the east. The narrow Strait of Gibraltar to the west is the only outlet to the Atlantic Ocean.

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