
What organ is on left side under rib cage in back?

What organ is on left side under rib cage in back?

Your spleen is an organ that sits just below your left rib cage. Many conditions — including infections, liver disease and some cancers — can cause an enlarged spleen.

What organ makes the left side of your back hurt?

As well, organs such as the kidneys, pancreas, colon, and uterus are located near your lower back. All of these can be responsible for pain in the left side of your lower back, so there are many potential causes. While many require treatment, most aren’t serious.

Why does my back hurt just below my ribs?

Kidney problems The kidneys are located on either side of the spine, under the ribcage. The right kidney hangs a little lower than the left, making it even more likely to cause lower back pain if it’s infected, irritated, or inflamed. Common kidney problems include kidney stones and kidney infection.

Why does my left side hurt near my back?

The most common cause of low back pain on the left side is a muscle strain. Other causes of lower left back pain include a kidney infection, herniated disc, and pregnancy. To treat lower left back pain, take OTC pain relievers, improve your posture, and apply heat.

Where is back pain from pancreatitis located?

Acute pancreatitis may start as a minor pain in the abdomen spreading to the back. The pain may intensify and worsen. Seek immediate medical care (call 911) for serious symptoms, such as a swollen and tender abdomen, fever, nausea, rapid pulse, and vomiting.

What causes back pain under both sides of my ribs?

Muscle Strain. Strain of the intercostal muscles can occur if a muscle is worked beyond its ability.

  • Fracture. A rib fracture can cause pain in the rib cage after a fall or blow to the chest.
  • Inflammation of Cartilage.
  • Vertebral Subluxation and Rib Subluxation.
  • What does pain on the left side under the ribs mean?

    Pain under the left rib cage can mean anything from a ruptured spleen, to heart trouble, to just needing to have a good fart. The ribs are a veritable collection of bone, muscle, and organs, most of which are fairly important for living and other useful functions.

    What causes sharp pain behind lower left side of rib cage?

    One cause of sudden sharp pains on the left side under your ribs is pericarditis. Doctors say that pericarditis is inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart. This is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection or an autoimmune disorder.

    What causes right upper quadrant pain under ribs?

    Inflammation of the cartilage between the breast bone and the ribs is a common cause of pain under rib cage. In case of infectious mononucleosis, pain in the upper right quadrant is experienced. It is usually accompanied by fever, sore throat, and extreme fatigue.

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