
What should a pleasure boat meeting a ferry in transit or a vessel in toe do?

What should a pleasure boat meeting a ferry in transit or a vessel in toe do?

A pleasure craft should also keep clear from docked ferry, ferry in transit or vessels in tow. Listen out for sound signals from ferries. Be aware that a long blast indicates the ferry is leaving the dock. Tugs may tow vessels on a long tow line that extends behind the tug.

What action should a fishing vessel do when encountering other vessels?

Give-way vessel: The vessel that is required to take early and substantial action to keep well away from other vessels by stopping, slowing down, or changing course. Avoid crossing in front of other vessels. Any change of course and/or speed should be large enough to be readily apparent to another vessel.

What should you never do when encounter a tug and its tow?

For safety:

  1. Never pass between a tug and its tow.
  2. Allow extra space when operating around a tug and its tow.

What does a blue and white flag mean on a boat?

Two types of flags are used to indicate diving activity. A blue-and-white International Code Flag A (or Alpha flag) must be displayed on boats involved in a diving activity.

What should powerboat a do when approaching powerboat B?

Powerboat A: When white, red and green lights are visible, you are approaching a powerboat head-on. Give way to your starboard side. Powerboat B: When white, red and green lights are visible, you are approaching a powerboat head-on. Give way to your starboard side.

Which actions should be taken when overtaking another vessel?

Overtaking: The vessel that wishes to overtake is the Give-Way Vessel. The vessel being overtaken is the Stand-On Vessel. The Stand-On Vessel maintains course and speed. The Give-Way Vessel must take early and substantial action to avoid the Stand-On Vessel.

What should you do if you encounter a fishing boat while out in your vessel Boat Ed?

If you encounter fishing or hunting boats while you are paddling, be courteous.

  1. Give them a wide berth.
  2. Never run over fishing lines. Be aware that anglers may have lines out to the sides of their boat or trolling behind them.

What should small boats do in the presence of an Ferries?

Smaller vessels should also always keep clear of docked ferries, ferries in transit, or a vessel that is being towed. Note that a ferry will signal that it is leaving dock by sounding one prolonged blast on a horn (a prolonged blast is 4 to 6 seconds in length).

How to keep clear of a docked ferry?

A pleasure craft should also keep clear from docked ferry, ferry in transit or vessels in tow. Listen out for sound signals from ferries. Be aware that a long blast indicates the ferry is leaving the dock. Tugs may tow vessels on a long tow line that extends behind the tug.

What happens when a ferry is under way?

When the ferry is under way, its cables are pulled taut and extend from both ends. Fatal accidents have occurred when vessels have attempted to pass over or under these cables while the ferry was in operation. When the ferry is secured at its landing, however, the cable is lowered and does not impede navigation.

Can a pleasure boat travel in shipping lanes?

If possible, pleasure boat should travel in groups to increase their visibility. If at all possible, stay out of areas where there is commercial vessel traffic such as shipping lanes or traffic separation zones. Large ships and barges have special problems in maneuvering and cannot and will not get out of your way.

What does a long blast mean on a ferry?

Be aware that a long blast indicates the ferry is leaving the dock. Tugs may tow vessels on a long tow line that extends behind the tug. The tow line is often so long that it hangs below the surface of the water and is almost invisible. When passing a tug boat, never pass between a tug and its tow.

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