
What was the direct war cost for the United States during World War II?

What was the direct war cost for the United States during World War II?

• U.S. military deaths: 405,399 The United States spent more than $4 trillion, or 36% of its GDP, fighting World War II. More than 400,000 U.S. troops were killed in the conflict to defeat Nazi Germany, Italy, and the Japanese Empire.

How did the gross national product GNP of the United States change between 1940 and 1944?

How did the Gross National Product (GNP) of the US change between 1940 and 1944? It more than doubled. How did the US computer ENIAC help the war effort? It did complex calculations needed to accurately fire artillery.

Which of the following best describes the state of the US economy at the end of World War?

Answer Expert Verified Which of the following best describes the state of the US economy at the end of World War II? The correct answer is C) It was experiencing steady growth from wartime production.

Which of the following did the United States produce more of during World War 2 than Germany Japan and Italy?

US produced more aircraft during world war II than Germany, Japan and Italy combined. The labour groups and businessmen of America helped the government in increasing its world war II military aircraft production to record levels.

How did the gross national product GNP of the US change between?

The Gross National Product (GNP) of the United States changed between 1940 and 1944 saw the most important expansion of industrial productivity. Previous yearly growth rates of the economy were of an average of 4% whereas during this period jumped to about 15%.

What did the Axis powers want in WW2?

The Axis alliance began with Germany partnering with Japan and Italy and was cemented in September 1940 with the Tripartite Pact, also known as the Three-Power Pact, which had the “prime purpose to establish and maintain a new order of things… to promote the mutual prosperity and welfare of the peoples concerned.” They …

How much has the US spent on the wars?

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Congress has appropriated more than $800 billion for military operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere around the world, including $65 billion to cover costs for the first few months of FY2009.

What was the difference between Allied and Axis civilian deaths?

North and northeast. What was the difference between the Allied and Axis civilian deaths? The Allied powers had 4,107,855 more civilian deaths than the Axis powers. What percent of the civilians killed in Germany were Jews?

What are the statistics of World War 2?

World War 2 Statistics The numbers do not lie – World War 2 was one of the largest conflicts in recorded history with no corner of the planet left untouched. World War 2 left no part of the world untouched – North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and all oceans between were involved to one extent or the other.

What was the cost of the Persian Gulf War?

Most Persian Gulf War costs were offset by allied contributions or were absorbed by DOD. Net costs to U.S. taxpayers totaled $4.7 billion in current year dollars. Source: “Department of Defense Annual Report to Congress for Fiscal Year 1994,” January, 1993.

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