
What was the name of Frederick de Houtman ship?

What was the name of Frederick de Houtman ship?

In 1619, De Houtman sailed in the Dutch East India Company’s ship, the Maeght van Dordrecht, along with Jacob Dedel in the Amsterdam. They sighted the Australian coast near present-day Perth, which they called Dedelsland.

Where did Frederick de Houtman travel?

Frederick de Houtman was a Dutch sea captain who sailed along the Western coast of Australia en route to Batavia, known today as Jakarta in Indonesia.

How many islands are in the Abrolhos?

Park Information. The Abrolhos is an archipelago of 210 islands extending more than 100km from north to south and situated 60 to 80km off the mid-west coast of Western Australia.

What did Cornelis de Houtman do?

Cornelis de Houtman (2 April 1565 – August 1599), brother of Frederick de Houtman, was a Dutch explorer who discovered a new sea route from Europe to Indonesia and managed to begin the Dutch spice trade.

Who owns Abrolhos Island?

The Houtman Abrolhos is Australian territory. There is no dispute about this, although it has been suggested that Australia claims the island chain under the UNCLOS by extending their continental baseline to encompass it, a breach of Article 7 of the convention. The islands are a part of Western Australia.

When did Cornelis de Houtman return to Amsterdam?

After reaching the East Indies in 1596, Cornelis established trade relations with the rulers of Java, Sumatra, and Bali, all now part of Indonesia; the brothers returned to Amsterdam with a cargo of spices in 1596. On a second voyage (1598–99), they established trade with Madagascar.

Who was the captain of the Houtman Abrolhos?

The commander, Francisco Pelsaert, and the skipper, Ariaen Jacobsz, together with some passengers and crew (48 in all) sailed away in search of water in one of the ship’s longboats. When this search proved fruitless, they set sail for Batavia.

What was the name of the islands that de Houtman discovered?

On 29 July, de Houtman discovered several low islands surrounded by extensive coral reefs. The position of these islands was accurately plotted and as a warning they were named De Houtman Abrolhos, meaning ‘look out’. Island, Houtman Abrolhos. Western Australian Museum.

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