Common questions

What was the social structure of the Dutch colonies?

What was the social structure of the Dutch colonies?

The Dutch see the family as the foundation of the social structure. Families tend to be small, often with only one or two children. The Dutch are disciplined, con- servative, and private. They do not draw attention to themselves and do not val- ue the accoutrements of success highly prized by other western societies.

What were the characteristics of the Dutch Golden Age?

Gone were the paintings of religious subjects and instead a new market for all kinds of secular subjects emerged. The characteristics of Dutch Golden Age art is often likened to the general European period of Baroque painting, which is most associated with grandeur, richness, drama, movement, and tension.

What did Quakers believe about slavery?

In 1776, Quakers were prohibited from owning slaves, and 14 years later they petitioned the U.S. Congress for the abolition of slavery. As a primary Quaker belief is that all human beings are equal and worthy of respect, the fight for human rights has also extended to many other areas of society.

What type of society is the Netherlands?

egalitarian society
The Netherlands has an egalitarian society. Status and respect are through study and work and not through family ties or old age. Every person is equal; this is surprisingly difficult for many foreigners.

What was the Dutch relationship with the natives?

Regarding the Indians, the Dutch generally followed a policy of live and let live: they did not force assimilation or religious conversion on the Indians. Both in Europe and in North America, the Dutch had little interest in forcing conformity on religious, political, and racial minorities.

What social and political factors contributed to the Dutch golden age of painting?

  • Causes of the Golden Age.
  • Dutch empire.
  • Monopoly on trade with Japan.
  • European Great Power.
  • Other industries.
  • National consciousness.
  • Social structure.
  • Religion.

Why was the Dutch golden age important?

The Dutch Golden Age (17th century) was a period of great wealth for the Dutch Republic. The Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC) caused trade to expand quickly, which attracted immigrants and stimulated the growth of the main cities and ports.

Why are social expectations different for men and women?

In this case, because of gender stereotypes about social roles, women are expected to behave altruistically, whereas men are not. Interestingly, these gender differences in social expectations about altruism influence altruistic behavior in a task in which participants decide how to divide actual money between themselves and an anonymous recipient.

Which is an example of a social expectation?

For example, when we go to the movies we wait in line to purchase tickets and turn off our cell phones to comply with social expectations. Of course, we can also find ourselves in an unfortunate situation in which someone in our environment is violating social expectations.

Why are social expectations based on objective principles?

In Clay et al., the social expectations were based on objective principles for how individuals should behave toward one another — we can all agree that you should not take something that belongs to someone else without asking.

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