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What was the weakness of the original Constitution?

What was the weakness of the original Constitution?

The central government couldn’t collect taxes to fund its operations. The Confederation relied on the voluntary efforts of the states to send tax money to the central government. Lacking funds, the central government couldn’t maintain an effective military or back its own paper currency.

What were some of the drawbacks of the new constitution?


  • Produces a weak government through gridlock.
  • Rigid.
  • Produces a powerful unelected Supreme Court that is politicised.
  • There are outdated elements.
  • Produces overrepresentation of small states, which affects the Senate, constitutional amendments and the Electoral College.

How did the Constitution addressed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

How did the constitution fix the weaknesses of the articles of confederation? The Constitution fixed the weaknesses by allowing the central government certain powers/rights. Congress now has the right to levy taxes. Congress has the ability to regulate trade between states and other countries.

What was the weakness of the article of Confederation?

The constitution, as originally ratified, addressed all of the following weaknesses of the article of confederation EXCEPT the Omission of a universal suffrage (the right to vote) clauses The size principle refers to a natural limit on majority tyranny where a large, diverse public would be more divided

Why did so many people oppose the ratification of the Constitution?

T or F: The absence of a bill of rights was cause for many people to oppose ratification of the Constitution. T or F: Most opponents of ratification believed the new Constitution gave too little power to the National Government.

When did the states have to ratify the Constitution?

In September of 1787, it was sent to the states for ratification. Nine of the 13 states would have to ratify it for the Constitution to become effective for those ratifying states. The future was not certain at all—a debate began among the states over ratification.

How did the new constitution affect the colonies?

The new legislature had two houses, just like the British Parliament. The states were sovereign, just as the colonies had been under British rule. The new central government was not given any power to direct the military. The new central government was not able to tax citizens as the British government had tried to do.

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