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What waste products leave the body when a person urinates?

What waste products leave the body when a person urinates?

The kidney and urinary systems help the body to eliminate liquid waste called urea, and to keep chemicals, such as potassium and sodium, and water in balance. Urea is produced when foods containing protein, such as meat, poultry, and certain vegetables, are broken down in the body.

What is excreted during urination?

Urine is a liquid byproduct of the body secreted by the kidneys through a process called urination and excreted through the urethra. The normal chemical composition of urine is mainly water content, but it also includes nitrogenous molecules, such as urea, as well as creatinine and other metabolic waste components.

What waste product of the body is removed from the skin?

The skin has sweat glands that secrete a fluid waste called perspiration, or sweat, which is a pathway for water and ion removal from the body, among other things. The lungs diffuse gaseous wastes, such as carbon dioxide, from the bloodstream as a normal part of respiration.

Which waste products are excreted from the body by the skin and kidneys *?

Excretion gets rid of carbon dioxide, water, and other, possibly harmful, substances from your body. Your lungs excrete carbon dioxide as you breathe out, your kidneys filter out nasties to produce urine, removing nitrogen waste from your body, and your skin sheds excess salt through sweat.

What are the waste products of the body?

These chemical reactions produce waste products such as carbon dioxide, water, salts, urea and uric acid. Accumulation of these wastes beyond a level inside the body is harmful to the body. The excretory organs remove these wastes.

Is it safe to drink women’s urine?

Probably not. There’s no scientific evidence to support claims that drinking urine is beneficial. On the contrary, research suggests that drinking urine can introduce bacteria, toxins, and other harmful substances into your bloodstream. It can even place undue stress on your kidneys.

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