
What were some of Herophilus discoveries?

What were some of Herophilus discoveries?

He distinguished nerves that produce voluntary motion from blood vessels, and motor from sensory nerves; the nerves of the spinal cord were directly linked to the brain. He identified at least seven pairs of cranial nerves. Herophilus demonstrated the meninges, and ventricles, regarding the fourth as most important.

What did Erasistratus contribute?

Erasistratus (c310- c250 B.C.) was a disciple and collaborator of Herophilus. He made important contributions in the study and teaching of human anatomy and carried out research at the Museum of Alexandria.

How did Herophilus discover the nervous system?

Herophilus was the first to examine and report on the structure of the nervous system. He was able to do this by dissecting human cadavers [19], a practice that was in many places abandoned until the sixteenth century CE [20]. This method allowed him to make many discoveries.

What controversy did Herophilus and Erasistratus engage in that cost them credit for their contribution to science?

Despite their significant contributions, their legacy is shrouded with great controversy and grave accusations; they were accused of the unspeakable: performing vivisections on live humans.

Who was Herophilus and what did he do?

Herophilus, (born c. 335 bc, Chalcedon, Bithynia—died c. 280), Alexandrian physician who was an early performer of public dissections on human cadavers; and often called the father of anatomy.

Why was Herophilus interested in the optic nerve?

Galen adds that Herophilus was of the opinion that these πόροι contained αΐσθητικòν πνεύμα and elsewhere he gives the reason why Herophilus considered the optic nerve to be a particularly suitable carrier of pneuma: he had discovered by dissection that these “strings” were hollow (VII, 89K.).

Where did Herophilus of Alexandria go to medical school?

Herophilus was born in the Greek town of Chalcedon. He received his medical training under Praxagoras, a famous physician and anatomist who taught at the Hippocratean medical school on the island of Cos (Kos).

What did Herophilus call the three membranes of the brain?

The three membranes of the brain were also recognized by Herophilus and designated as “chorioid” (χοριοειδή) because they resembled the chorionic envelope surrounding the fetus (II, 719K.). He observed and likened the meeting point of the sinuses of the dura mater to a wine press (ληνός); the Latin term torcular Herophili is still in use.

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