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What were the reasons Henry Hudson set out into the unknown?

What were the reasons Henry Hudson set out into the unknown?

Henry Hudson wanted to find a northern passage to India. He thought that the ice covering the North Pole might melt during the summer. Perhaps he could sail right over the top of the world to India. Starting in 1607, Henry headed up four different expeditions searching for the elusive northern passage.

Where was Henry Hudson abandoned?

Hudson’s Bay
Henry Hudson The celebrated and unfortunate navigator, abandoned by his crew in Hudson’s Bay the 11th of June 1610 / / Drawn by F. Davignon ; Lith. of Lewis & Brown, 37 John St. N.Y.

Why did Henry Hudson’s crew mutiny in 1611?

The boat was set adrift and never heard from again. When the ice cleared in the spring of 1611, Hudson planned to use his Discovery to further explore Hudson Bay with the continuing goal of discovering the Passage; however, most of the members of his crew ardently desired to return home. Matters came to a head and much of the crew mutinied in June.

Where did the crew of Henry Hudson go for the winter?

In November, however, the ship became trapped in the ice in the James Bay, and the crew moved ashore for the winter. John Collier ‘s painting of Henry Hudson with his son and some crew members after a mutiny on his icebound ship. The boat was set adrift and never heard from again.

How did Henry Hudson get to Hudson Bay?

Between Greenland and Labrador he entered the present-day Hudson Strait and by it reached Hudson Bay. After three months of exploration, the Discovery was caught too far from open sea when winter set in, and in November Hudson’s men were forced to haul it ashore and set up a winter camp.

What did Henry Hudson do before he died?

Before the fatal voyage that took his life, Henry Hudson found great success as a navigator the way many men did during the Age of Exploration – by accident. Hired by the Dutch East India Company to find a new passage to spice-rich Asia by way of the Arctic Ocean, Hudson was ultimately forced by impassable ice to seek another route south.

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