
Where are Nepenthes found?

Where are Nepenthes found?

Nepenthes, also called tropical pitcher plant or monkey cup, genus of carnivorous pitcher plants that make up the only genus in the family Nepenthaceae (order Caryophyllales). About 140 species are known, mostly native to Madagascar, Southeast Asia, and Australia.

What is the use of cup like structure in Nepenthes?

Nepenthes, a native of Southeast Asia and Australia, forms pitchers (cups) that hang from trees. Its pitcher is similar to that of the North American pitcher plant in that it relies on a pool of water to trap its prey.

Who discovered Nepenthes?

Botanical history McPherson and Volker B. Heinrich in June 2007, during a 2 month research expedition to catalogue the different species of pitcher plant found across the Philippine Archipelago. The expedition was initiated after missionaries reported seeing giant Nepenthes on the mountain in 2000.

Where was the Nepenthes beccariana pitcher plant found?

Nepenthes beccariana /nɪˈpɛnθiːz bɛˌkæriˈɑːnə/ is a tropical pitcher plant. The species was described in 1908 by John Muirhead Macfarlane based on a specimen collected from the island of Nias, which lies off the western coast of Sumatra. It appears to be closely related to both N. longifolia and N. sumatrana,…

When was Nepenthes bicalcarata introduced to Europe?

Nepenthes bicalcarata was introduced to Europe in 1879 by British explorer Frederick William Burbidge, who collected plants for the famous Veitch Nursery. These were cultivated to larger size and distributed in 1881.

Where did Elio Modigliani find the Nepenthes beccariana?

The type specimen of N. beccariana was collected by Italian explorer Elio Modigliani during an 1886 expedition to Nias, an island located approximately 120 km from the port town of Sibolga in Sumatra. It is designated as E.Modigliani s.n. and is specimen FI-HB 7485 at the Herbarium Beccarianum in Florence, Italy.

What makes a Nepenthes sumatrana different from a beccariana?

Nepenthes sumatrana is distinguished by its infundibular upper pitchers (versus cylindrical in N. beccariana ), which have a raised section at the front of the peristome. In addition, the ovoid lower pitchers of N. sumatrana have orbicular lids, as opposed to the ovate operculum of N. beccariana.

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