
Which action would the nurse take for a patient on bed rest who is concerned about developing constipation?

Which action would the nurse take for a patient on bed rest who is concerned about developing constipation?

A patient on bed rest is concerned about developing constipation. What actions should the nurse take to prevent this from happening? Increase the patient’s dietary fiber and fluid intake. The patient’s dietary fiber and fluid intake should be increased to prevent constipation in the immobile patient.

Which action by the nurse initiates the physical assessment of a patient’s mobility quizlet?

Terms in this set (39) What nursing activity starts the assessment of a patient’s mobility? Assessment of the patient’s activity level starts with observing the patient.

Which Musculoskeletal Alterations does immobility predispose a patient to developing?

Musculoskeletal complications associated with immobility include loss of muscle strength and endurance; reduced skeletal muscle fiber size, diameter, and capillarity; contractures; disuse osteoporosis; and DJD. The severity of muscle atrophy is related to the duration and magnitude of activity limitation.

How frequently should the vital signs of an unstable patient be checked?

Patients with abnormal vital signs should be reassessed no less frequently than every 2 hours for the first 4 hours, then every 4 hours if clinically stable.

Which complication of bedrest will result in loss of function and deformity of the joint?

A common problem associated with prolonged bedrest and immobility is foot drop contracture or deformity (Fig 2), which results in the inability to place the heel in its correct position on the ground when standing or sitting.

Which action should the nurse take before ambulating a patient?

Prior to assisting a patient to ambulate, it is important to perform a patient risk assessment to determine how much assistance will be required. An assessment can evaluate a patient’s muscle strength, activity tolerance, and ability to move, as well as the need to use assistive devices or find additional help.

When assessing a patient who has mobility problems or is bedridden?

The monitoring system is part of an intelligent hospital bed system for decubitus prophylaxis. In June a monitoring system is becoming commercially available that will allow nursing staff to accurately record the mobility of bedridden persons.

How do you care for an immobile patient?

Nursing interventions Position the patient with the head of the bed elevated 30 to 45 degrees unless medically contraindicated; turn and reposition the patient every 2 hours. Besides supporting respiration, proper positioning and repositioning helps protect the skin and minimize the potential for breakdown.

What are the complication of immobility?

The hazards or complications of immobility, such as skin breakdown, pressure ulcers, contractures, muscular weakness, muscular atrophy, disuse osteoporosis, renal calculi, urinary stasis, urinary retention, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections, atelectasis, pneumonia, decreased respiratory vital capacity.

What are the five main vital signs?

Vital Signs (Body Temperature, Pulse Rate, Respiration Rate, Blood Pressure)

What happens to the bone when a person is on prolonged bedrest or in bedridden condition?

During immobility and bedrest, the process of building new bone stops, but the osteoclasts still break down bone, resulting in a loss of bone density, leaving the bone structure soft and weak.

Which is IV solution is used to pull fluid into the intravascular space?

After removing 5 liters of fluid during a patient’s paracentesis, which IV solution may be used to pull fluid into the intravascular space? After a paracentesis of 5 L or greater of ascites fluid, 25% albumin solution may be used as a volume expander.

Which is a manifestation of acute kidney injury?

Oliguria is a sign of acute kidney injury. Prostate cancer is a postrenal cause of acute kidney injury. Diabetic gastroaresis is a manifestation of chronic kidney disease. Which is a manifestation of a mild form of acute kidney injury? The mildest form of acute kidney injury is characterized by increased serum creatinine levels.

Which is client problem does the nurse place highest priority?

The nurse is preparing a plan of care for a client with diabetes mellitus who has hyperglycemia. The nurse places highest priority on which client problem? 1. Lack of knowledge 2. Inadequate fluid volume 3. Compromised family coping 4. Inadequate consumption of nutrients 2.

How does fluid volume deficit affect blood hematocrit?

The patient with a fluid volume deficit often has increased blood urea nitrogen (BUN), sodium, and hematocrit levels with increased plasma and urine osmolality. With fluid volume excess, the patient will have decreased BUN, sodium, and hematocrit levels, with decreased plasma and urine osmolality.

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