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Which is the most important attribute of national development class 10?

Which is the most important attribute of national development class 10?

Income per capita is the most important attribute for national development.

What are most important attributes of development?

These are:

  • It is a continuous process.
  • It follows a particular pattern like infancy, childhood, adolescence, maturity.
  • Most traits are correlated in development.
  • It is the result of interaction of individual and environment.
  • It is predictable.
  • It is both quantitative and qualitative.

What are the features of national development?

Components of national development

  • Development of rural areas.
  • Increasing agricultural outputs.
  • Enlargement of economic knowledge.
  • Handling of growth in urban areas.
  • Eradication of poverty.

What is national development what are the aspects covered under the National development Class 10?

National development is a comprehensive term which includes improvement in living standard of the people, increase in per capita income, providing social amenities like education,medical care, social services, etc. to the citizens of the country.

Which is the most important attribute the comparing the development of countries?

The most important attributes while comparing development of different countries are per capita income.

Which of the following is considered as the most important attribute for calculating the development of a country?

Answer: per capita income is the single most important attribute of a developed country.

What are the two attributes of development?

(i) What may be development for one may not be development for the others. (ii) For development, people look at mix goals. (iii) Income is the most important component of development, but along with income, people also seek equal treatment, good health, peace and security, etc.

What are the major attributes?

Positive Attributes

Achiever Exciting Sensible
Cooperative Helpful Thoughtful
Courageous Insightful Trustworthy
Curious Interesting Understanding
Devoted Inventive Warm

What are the four features of development?

(ii) What may be development for one may not be development for the other. It may be destructive for the other. (iii) Income is the most important component of development, but along with income, people also seek equal treatment, good health, peace, literacy, etc. (iv) For development, people look at mixed goals.

What is National development Class 10 Brainly?

National development is the ability of a county or countries to improve the social welfare of the people e.g by providing social amenities like quality education, potable water, transportation infrastructure, medical care, etc.

What are the national development goals of India Class 10?

‘For comparing countries, total income or national income is not a useful measure. Give reason. Ans. Since countries have different population, comparing total income will not tell us what an average person is likely to earn.

Which is an example of a national development?

National development is the ability of a county or countries to improve the social welfare of the people e.g by providing social amenities like quality education, potable water, transportation infrastructure, medical care, etc.

What are the features and characteristics of economic development?

In this article, I will tell you about the features, characteristics, obstacles, and factors of economic development. 1. It is a continuous process- 2. It increases national income- 3. Improve the standard of living- 4. Economic Development utilizes national resource property- 5. It results in a high degree of structural transformation- 6.

How is education an indicator of National Development?

The awakened mind, right knowledge, sophisticated skills and desirable attitudes are the indicators of national development. Education helps in unfolding the latent powers or talents for the purpose of harnessing the process of national development and personal development.

What are some of the problems of National Development?

These are the some of the problems of national development: (i) Tardy economic growth in terms of G.N.P. and standard of living. ADVERTISEMENTS: (ii) Large scale unemployment and under-employment. (iii) Large pool of illiteracy. (iv) Rapid growth of population. (v) Challenges of national and emotional integration. ADVERTISEMENTS:

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