
Which of the following factors affect local water budget?

Which of the following factors affect local water budget?

Factors that affect the local water budget include temperature, vegetation, wind, and the amount of rainfall. When precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration and runoff in an area, the result is moist soil and possible flooding.

What are two factors that can be used to maintain freshwater?

These include the chemical and physical environmental factors such as sunlight, temperature, water or moisture and soil. Fresh waters are found in lakes, ponds, rivers and streams and the biomes are maintained by precipitation.

What happens when a rivers load and discharge increase?

As discharge increases, generally width, depth, and velocity of the stream also increase. Increasing the depth and width of the stream may cause the stream to overflow is channel resulting in a flood. Load – The rock particles and dissolved ions carried by the stream are the called the stream’s load.

Which of the following uses the greatest amount of water in the United States?

Thermoelectric power and irrigation remained the two largest uses of water in 2015, and total withdrawals decreased for thermoelectric power but increased for irrigation.

Why do most precipitation and evaporation happen over the oceans?

The sun, which drives the water cycle, heats water in the oceans. Some of it evaporates as vapor into the air. Most precipitation falls back into the oceans or onto land, where, due to gravity, the precipitation flows over the ground as surface runoff.

What are the 4 main factors that affect the water budget and describe who they affect it?

Factors that affect the local water budget include temperature, vegetation, wind, and the amount and duration of rainfall.

  • The factors that affect the local water budget vary geographically.
  • The local water budget also changes with the seasons in most areas of Earth.
  • What decreases water quality?

    While factors like sedimentation and runoff are natural environmental processes, humans alone are the culprits of many of the factors on this list, including detergents, oil and grease and pesticides.

    What activity constitutes the single largest use and waste of freshwater in the US?

    According to a U.S. Geological Survey report, agriculture is a major user of ground and surface water in the United States, and irrigation accounted for 42 percent of the Nation’s total freshwater withdrawals in 2015.

    How much wastewater does the United States produce each day?

    Most homes and businesses send their wastewater to a treatment plant where many pollutants are removed from the water. Wastewater treatment facilities in the United States process approximately 34 billion gallons of wastewater every day. Wastewater contains nitrogen and phosphorus from human waste, food and certain soaps and detergents.

    How often is industrial water use data published?

    Industrial Water Use in the United States Every five years, water withdrawal and use data at the county level are compiled into a national water-use data system, and state-level data are published in a national circular. Access the most recent National industrial data, maps, and diagrams. Want to know more about current USGS research?

    What are some industries that use a lot of water?

    Some industries that use large amounts of water produce such commodities as food, paper, chemicals, refined petroleum, or primary metals. Every five years, water withdrawal and use data at the county level are compiled into a national water-use data system, and state-level data are published in a national circular.

    Why is wastewater treatment considered a water use?

    We consider wastewater treatment as a water use because it is so interconnected with the other uses of water. Much of the water used by homes, industries, and businesses must be treated before it is released back to the environment. If the term “wastewater treatment” is confusing to you, you might think of it as “sewage treatment.”

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