
Which of the following is a way that interest groups seek to influence elections quizlet?

Which of the following is a way that interest groups seek to influence elections quizlet?

Members of Congress who serve on committees or subcommittees that routinely consider legislation important to that group. Which of the following is a way that interest groups seek to influence elections? Recruiting and endorsing candidates.

What three types of agencies make up the bureaucracy?

The federal bureaucracy consists of the Cabinet departments, independent agencies, government corporations, and independent regulatory commissions.

Which of the following is a typical way for lobbyists to attempt to influence members of Congress?

Which of the following is a typical way for lobbyists to seek to influence members of Congress? collective goods.

What is the importance of bureaucracy in an organization?

Bureaucracies can help organizations run smoothly and efficiently. This allows large organizations to streamline processes and bring order to systems and procedures. Management becomes easier and processes become less chaotic. Bureaucracies tend to include a division of labor with clearly defined roles.

How does a business respond to government policy?

Reactive responses involve responding to government policy after it happens. An interactive response involves engaging with government policymakers and actors (including the media) to try to influence public policy to serve the interests of the business.

How are government agencies involved in the political process?

Agencies “are not helpless, passive pawns in the game of politics as it affects their lives; they are active, energetic, persistent participants” (Kaufman, 1976). They work to create and maintain political support from the president, Congress, and the public.

How does a business interact with the government?

Businesses face a complex array of formal and informal public policy actors beyond (just) government. Business practices can be strongly influenced by citizen actions that bypass the formal institutions of government. Though they lack the economic clout and resources of industry as tools of influence, citizen groups do possess other tools.

How are citizen groups able to influence government?

Though they lack the economic clout and resources of industry as tools of influence, citizen groups do possess other tools. They can lobby and litigate, and they can get out large groups to demonstrate in public events and use exposure in the news media as a vehicle for getting their perspective heard.

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