
Which organelle is the garbage collector?

Which organelle is the garbage collector?

The lysosome is the garbage man of the cell. It takes in cell debris and waste and destroys it. The lysosome contains very powerful hydrolytic enzymes to accomplish this. It is very important that the enzymes remain in the lysosome or they would destroy the cell.

Which organelle can be compared to a garbage disposal?

Lysosomes and peroxisomes are often referred to as the garbage disposal system of a cell. Both organelles are somewhat spherical, bound by a single membrane, and rich in digestive enzymes, naturally occurring proteins that speed up biochemical processes.

Which is garbage collector in cell?

Cells have their own kind of garbage collector: an enzyme called DJ-1. This trusty sanitation worker collects harmful by-products of metabolism and disposes of them safely. The garbage in this case is unstable chemicals that form when cells break down sugar.

Which cell organelle is the garbage disposal of the cell and why?

(iii) Cellular Digestion: Lysosomes break down and enzymes are released freely in damaged cells, old cells, dead cells, or cell organelles that do not work to digest them. In these processes, they remove cellular debris. Therefore, they are also called Cellular Waste Disposal Systems.

Which organelle is responsible for garbage disposal in an animal cell?

Lysosomes, which are found in animal cells, are the cell’s “garbage disposal.” The digestive processes take place in these, and enzymes within them aid in the breakdown of proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, nucleic acids, and worn-out organelles.

Which organelle found in our cells would most likely be involved in digesting and destroying the bacterial cell?

A lysosome is a membrane-bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes. Lysosomes are involved with various cell processes. They break down excess or worn-out cell parts. They may be used to destroy invading viruses and bacteria.

Which of the following organelles are the cell garbage disposal system?

In animal cells, the lysosomes are the cell’s “garbage disposal.” Digestive enzymes within the lysosomes aid the breakdown of proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, nucleic acids, and even worn-out organelles.

Which organelle is responsible for garbage disposal and recycling in an animal cell Brainly?

Proteins aren’t the only type of cellular waste. Cells also have to recycle compartments called organelles when they become old and worn out. For this task, they rely on an organelle called the lysosome, which works like a cellular stomach.

Which cell organelle acts as a kind of waste disposal system of the cell?

Lysosomes are membrane-bounded organelle which acts as waste disposal system of a cell. They help to keep the cell clean by digesting any foreign material or worn out cells. …

Which is the ” garbage collector ” of the cell?

Lysosome The “garbage collector” of the cell; breaks down waste and worn-down cell parts. Nucleus The “control center” of the cell; Where DNA is located in eukaryotic cells. Nucleolus Located within the nucleus; where ribosomes are produced.

Which is the organelle that digests large food particles?

The organelle that digests old organelles and breaks down large food particles. Sometimes called the “Garbage Collector” Cytoplasm Cell fluid; jellylike liquid that fills the cell. Nucleolus

Which is the most important organelle in a cell?

Each organelle is contained within its own membrane and has a specific function. Organelles also have distinct structures that allow them to carry out their functions. The most prominent organelle in a eukaryote cell is the nucleus.

How is the chloroplast an organelle of the cell?

A small structure within a cell that performs a specific job. Chloroplast Uses the sun’s energy to make food for the plant cells. This is also the site of photosynthesis Nucleus The brain of the cell and controls all cell functions Smooth ER This organelle is abundant in liver cells, used to filter toxins, does not have ribosomes attached to it.

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