
Who has the longest nail in the world?

Who has the longest nail in the world?

Thelongest fingernails on a single hand – ever measured an aggregate length of 909.6 cm (358.1 in). This record is held by Shridhar Chillal (India), who grew the nails on his left hand.

Who has the world’s longest hand?

There doesn’t seem to be a world record for this, but the longest fingers probably live on the biggest hands, which right now belong to Sultan Kosen of Turkey. His hand is more than 11 inches long from his wrist to the tip of his middle finger. That’s almost a whole foot!

Is the girl with the longest name alive?

HOUSTON – CoSandra Williams says she spent years planning her daughter’s name. The 6-year-old girl has more than 1,000 letters in her first name – and a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records. The name is so long the girl has two nicknames: “Jameshauwnnel,” or “Jamie” to most of her friends.

Who has the longest neck?

bull giraffes
Amazing necks Among living animals, adult bull giraffes have the longest necks, capable of reaching about 8 feet (2.4 m) long. No other living creature exceeds half this length. For instance, ostriches typically have necks only about 3 feet (1 m) long.

What is the longest toenail ever?

An American women named Louise Hollis was recorded to have the world’s longest toenails in 1991. The combined length of her 10 toenails was 87 inches (i.e. 2 m 21 cm). This made the average length per toenail is about 6 inches long (i.e.15.25 cm).

What is the world record for longest toenails?

Shridhar Chillal (born 1938, in India) holds the world record for the longest fingernails ever reached on a single hand, measuring 6.15 meters (20 feet 2.25 inches). Chillal’s longest nail is 4.25 feet.

What is the world record for the longest fingernail?

Shridhar Chillal (born 1938) is an Indian man who held the world record for the longest fingernails ever reached on a single hand, with a combined length of 909.6 centimeters (358.1 inches).

What is the longest fingernail in the world?

Shridhar Chillal. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Shridhar Chillal (born 1938) is an Indian man who held the world record for the longest fingernails ever reached on a single hand, with a combined length of 909.6 centimeters (358.1 inches). Chillal’s longest single nail is his thumbnail, measuring 197.8 centimeters (77.87 inches).

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