
Why can you see clearly through an object that is transparent?

Why can you see clearly through an object that is transparent?

Transparent objects let the light pass through them, without scattering it or altering its path. One can clearly see through these objects.

Can we get a clear shadow of a transparent object?

Transparent objects do not form shadows. In such objects, the light gets refracted thus, such objects forms shadow. The refraction is also the reason why we can see such objects. But, the completely clear objects cannot form the shadow.

What are the conditions for an object to be visible?

The object should have mass, volume, intertia. If it retain all these properties then it can be visible… HOPE IT HELPS!!!

What determines the color of a transparent object?

The color of a transparent object depends on the color of light it transmits. If green light passes through a transparent object, the emerging light is green; similarly if red light passes through a transparent object, the emerging light is red. Materials like frosted glass and some plastics are called translucent.

How do we see clear objects?

When it comes to clear objects, we see them because we see the way light bends (refracts) as it passes through the objects. Refraction bends the light as it passes through the cup and the background image ends up changed.

What type of shadows are formed by transparent translucent and opaque objects?


  • transparent : no shadow formed.
  • translucent : hazy shadow formed.
  • opaque : dark and clear shadow formed.

What happens to light when it passes through a translucent material such as waxed paper?

Translucent objects allow some of the light to pass through it while some of the light is absorbed. Wax paper and tissue paper are translucent and light that transmits through them is scattered and fuzzy. Opaque objects absorb or reflect all of the light and do not allow any light to pass through them.

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