Common questions

Why do Brazilians say legal?

Why do Brazilians say legal?

1. Legal. There are seemingly infinite ways to say “cool” or “great” in Brazilian Portuguese, and they differ by region. Legal (lay-gow) literally means “legal”, but it is used to declare all things cool or awesome.

What does jeito mean in Brazil?

The concept is a deeply ingrained part of Brazilian culture. The word “jeitinho” is the diminutive form of jeito, meaning ‘way’, which comes from the Latin ‘jactum’. The usage of ‘jeitinho’ is derived from the expression dar um jeito, meaning “to find a way”.

What does Ola mean in Brazil?

American English: hello! / hɛˈloʊ/ Arabic: مَرْحَبَاً Brazilian Portuguese: olá!

What do you need to know about etiquette in Brazil?

In this new series, we’re going to look at etiquette in Brazil to learn about basic customs. Today, we’re going to learn about table manners. Do not talk with food in your mouth. It is considered extremely rude. Try not to make noise when eating, as it may make people around you uncomfortable.

Why is Brazilian pronunciation said to be difficult?

Brazilian pronunciation is said to be difficult. But, in fact is quite straight forward. All we have to do is to be prepared for input! There is a secret behind it, and that is practising by reading and paying attention to: 1. Word endings. 2. Where the words are stressed. 3. If the word have written accents (little signs on top of a vowel).

What do you say when you meet someone in Brazil?

Literally translating to ‘Everything well?’, it is the most common way to ask ‘how are you?’ and usually follows after ‘oi’. So when you meet someone, try greeting them with ‘oi, tudo bem?’. The most common reply, independent on how you really are feeling, is ‘tudo bem’.

Which is the correct way to say Obrigado in Portuguese?

As Portuguese is a gender-based language, men say ‘obrigado’ with an ‘o’ at the end, and women say ‘obrigada’ with an ‘a’ at the end. This is the rule in any context. Sometime you may hear the more informal ‘valeu’ that translates to ‘cheers’ and is common between friends and in more social situations.

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