
Why do reactions go faster with powders?

Why do reactions go faster with powders?

Physical state of reactants. Powders react faster than blocks – greater surface area and since the reaction occurs at the surface we get a faster rate.

How does the length of magnesium affect the rate of reaction?

Making it is less likely that they collide with the magnesium particles decreasing the speed of the reaction; therefore the more concentrated the solution is the more hydrochloric acid molecules there are and therefore there will be more reactions as these molecules or particles collide with the magnesium.

What increases the rate of reactions?

In general, increasing the concentration of a reactant in solution, increasing the surface area of a solid reactant, and increasing the temperature of the reaction system will all increase the rate of a reaction. A reaction can also be sped up by adding a catalyst to the reaction mixture.

Which of the reactions is faster?

Reactions in phases that easily mix, such as gases and liquids, occur much faster than reactions between solids. The extent of mixing of the reactants influences the frequency of molecular collisions – if reactants are more thoroughly mixed, the molecules will collide more often and thus react faster.

Why does increasing the surface area increase the rate of reaction?

Surface Area The solid molecules trapped within the body of the solid cannot react. Therefore, increasing the surface area of the solid will expose more solid molecules to the liquid, which allows for a faster reaction.

Why does magnesium powder react faster than magnesium ribbon?

The magnesium powder has a larger surface area of reaction that the magnesium ribbon hence the reaction is faster with the magnesium powder.

How would using magnesium powder instead of a magnesium strip affect the reaction rate?

A small heap of fine magnesium powder tends to burn rather more slowly than a strip of magnesium ribbon, for example. In the lab, powdered calcium carbonate reacts much faster with dilute hydrochloric acid than if the same mass was present as lumps of marble or limestone. This is another familiar lab reaction.

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