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Why does Charlotte become annoyed with Zachariah?

Why does Charlotte become annoyed with Zachariah?

Why does Charlotte become annoyed with Zachariah? Charlotte overheard a conversation with Mr. Keetch and an unidentified man.

What does Zachariah say he and Charlotte have in common?

Charlotte and Zachariah share the role of outsiders onboard ship.

Why did Zachariah not blame Charlotte?

The Captain demands Charlotte pick the neck crew member to be punished for mutiny. 11.1. Why did Zachariah not blame Charlotte? Zachariah cares about Charlotte and knows she was trying to do what was right by telling the Captain.

How did Zachariah change Charlotte?

Zachariah gives Charlotte the dirk (a knife) for protection and sews for her a miniature set of sailor clothes. Unlike Captain Jaggery or her father, Zachariah presents himself not as Charlotte’s superior, but as her equal. He becomes a trustworthy friend and a loyal mentor.

Why didnt Charlotte keep her trunk in her room?

Why can’t Charlotte keep her trunk in her room? Because the trunk is too big for the room.

What does Zachariah mean by a final friend?

Charlotte disagrees and states that she doesn’t need a friend. However, Zachariah is undeterred and states that, “One always needs a final friend.” He explains that a final friend is the companion who sews a hammock and wraps it around his friend’s body when the sailor is put to rest at sea.

Why is Charlotte in danger in Charlotte Doyle?

In the early part of the novel, Charlotte is in danger because she is a potential witness to mutiny. The crew intends to rebel against Captain Jaggery, but Charlotte’s presence is a complication because she is unlikely to support them in their mutiny, so they either have to kill her…

Why did Charlotte lie to the captain about Zachariah?

Yes and no. Yes, because it will let him believe that she will help him. No, because he may not be as trustworthy as she thinks he is. Why did Charlotte lie to the captain about the person who gave her the dirk? She lied because she was afraid of what the captain would do to Zachariah.

Why did Charlotte decide to keep the Dirk?

She decided to keep the dirk because both the Captain and Zachariah had urged her to keep it. She was concerned that they my ask her about it. Why were the crew’s quarters off-limits to Charlotte?

Why was Charlotte’s clothing such an important issue for the captain?

She felt that it was her punishment for the trouble that she had caused. Why was Charlotte’s clothing such an important issue for the captain? Because she was a young lady from a good family, and she was wearing clothing fit for a sailor. Her clothing was a statement of defiance.

Do you think Charlotte made the right decision by casting her lot with him?

Do you think Charlotte made the right decision by casting her lot with him? Explain. He wanted Charlotte to tell him if she saw the crew with a round robin because that meant they were going to cause trouble on the boat. Yes and no. Yes, because it will let him believe that she will help him.

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