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Why was Rockefeller a good man?

Why was Rockefeller a good man?

There was no one to take my place. We were in a new business, and if I had not stayed it must have stopped—and with so many dependent on it.” Rockefeller’s commodity business profited handsomely from the Civil War and provided the necessary capital for his entrance into the oil business.

Did John D Rockefeller leave a positive or negative legacy?

He came from a family with not much and lived the American dream, rising to success with his own genius, all by himself. His legacy is unforgettable, gaining the greatest wealth of anyone in history. Rockefeller’s influence on America has been both a positive and a negative one.

What good things did John Rockefeller do?

John D. Rockefeller founded the Standard Oil Company, which dominated the oil industry and was the first great U.S. business trust. Later in life he turned his attention to charity. He made possible the founding of the University of Chicago and endowed major philanthropic institutions.

Did Rockefeller have a positive impact?

Rockefeller founded the Standard Oil Company, which dominated the oil industry and was the first great U.S. business trust. Later in life he turned his attention to charity. He made possible the founding of the University of Chicago and endowed major philanthropic institutions.

What negative personality traits did Rockefeller have?

He has been alternately lionized and pilloried, according to the temper of the times and the side of his character being examined. To critics, Rockefeller was a ruthless and greedy capitalist, who unfairly crushed his competition and created a malevolent monopoly.

Why was John D Rockefeller a great man?

His fame is well deserved, through decades of hard work that brought prosperity to the American petroleum industry. Rockefeller has been called philanthropist, “great man” 1 “industrial statesman\, robber baron” , thief and other titles of both pleasant and unpleasant nature.

What did John D Rockefeller do with Standard Oil?

John D. Rockefeller demonstrated how massive brands, Standard Oil, can leverage its resources thereby allowing undertaking an array of opportunities which resulted in a diverse brand which ranged from oil refineries, to storage to logistics systems.

How old was John D Rockefeller when he died?

Although he didn’t celebrate birthdays with the same gusto as “job days,” Rockefeller certainly experienced many of them. His life spanned from the presidency of Martin Van Buren to that of Franklin D. Roosevelt before his death at age 97 on May 23, 1937.

How did John D Rockefeller influence the Gilded Age?

Rockefeller had, from early experiences such as this one, developed a deep respect for women. This was radically different from the other industrialists of the Gilded Age, which saw women as purely ornamental. This fact puts the idea of Rockefeller being a philanthropist on even more solid ground.

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