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Do all males have to register for military service?

Do all males have to register for military service?

Almost all male US citizens and male immigrants, who are 18 through 25, are required to register with Selective Service. It’s important to know that even though he is registered, a man will not automatically be inducted into the military.

When must all men register for the Selective Service A at birth?

According to law, a man must register with Selective Service within 30 days of his 18th birthday. Selective Service accepts late registrations up until a man reaches his 26th birthday.

Is it mandatory to register for Selective Service?

Yes, you are still required to register with Selective Service. Virtually all men must register with Selective Service, even those who believe they’ll be exempt from serving. In the event of a draft, men called for induction would be able to make a claim for deferments, postponements, or exemption from serving.

Who didn’t have to register for Selective Service?

Men born from March 29, 1957 through December 31, 1959, were not required to register with the Selective Service System because the registration program was suspended when they would have reached age 18.

Do males have to register for the draft?

Almost all men ages 18-25 who are U.S. citizens or are immigrants living in the U.S. are required to register with Selective Service. Citizens must register within 30 days of turning 18.

What happens if you don’t register for Selective Service within 30 days?

If you are required to register and you don’t, you will not be eligible for federal student aid, federal job training, or a federal job. You may be prosecuted and face a fine of up to $250,000 and/or jail time of up to five years. If you’re an immigrant to the U.S., you will not be eligible for citizenship.

What is the penalty for not registering with Selective Service?

If required to register with Selective Service, failure to register is a felony punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or 5 years imprisonment. Also, a person who knowingly counsels, aids, or abets another to fail to comply with the registration requirement is subject to the same penalties.

When must men Resister for the Selective Service?

Who Must Register with Selective Service. Almost all men age 18-25 who are U.S. citizens or are immigrants living in the U.S. are required to be registered with Selective Service. U.S. law calls for citizens to register within 30 days of turning 18 and immigrants to register within 30 days of arriving in the U.S. Men in the U.S.

What is the age limit for Selective Service registration?

Age Range. The Selective Service System, backed by the Military Selective Service Act, requires that nearly all males citizens and immigrants in the United States between 18 and 25 years of age must register with the government and are eligible to be drafted.

Is it mandatory to register Selective Service?

Registering with Selective Service System is mandatory if you want federal financial aid for school – regardless of whether you want to serve in the military or not. Without registering for the Selective Service System, you will be ineligible for many important things.

What happens when you register late for the Selective Service?

What happens if you forget to register Selective Service? Selective Service accepts late registrations up until a man reaches his 26 th birthday. Failure to register is a felony and non-registrants may be denied the following benefits for life: Federal (and some state) student loans and grant programs. Federal (and many state and local) jobs.

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