Common questions

What is surgery section?

What is surgery section?

The Surgery Section’s purpose is to provide a forum for the discussion and advancement of the art, science and practice of general surgery with some emphasis on the branches and sub-specialties that relate to this to all healthcare professionals and their students.

What is the difference between codes 10005 and 10021?

Codes 10021 and 10004 are reported when imaging guidance is not used. Codes 10005–10012 are reported for FNA biopsy(ies) performed with imaging guidance; that is to say, imaging guidance is bundled into the codes and not separately reportable.

What type of care is included in a surgical package?

The global surgical package concept includes the pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative services, and are considered included in the specific CPT code.

What are the three things that are considered components of wound repair?

Wound healing is a complex biological process that consists of hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling.

What operations are classed as major surgery?

Major surgery – such as surgery to the organs of the head, chest and abdomen. Examples of major surgery include organ transplant, removal of a brain tumour, removal of a damaged kidney or open-heart surgery.

What is the largest section of the CPT coding manual?

A Fordney Ch 5

Question Answer
The largest section in the CPT book is the surgery section
When a service is rendered that is not listed in the CPT codebook use a code with a description stating “unlisted”
What does bundling mean The grouping of codes together that are related to a procedure

What does non Facility describe?

What does “non-facility” describe when calculating Physician Fee Schedule payments? non-hospital owned physician practices. “Non-facility” location calculations are for private practices or non-hospital owned physician practices.

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