
Which of the following is an example of photochemical pollutant?

Which of the following is an example of photochemical pollutant?

Air pollution containing ozone and other reactive chemical compounds formed by the action of sunlight on nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons, especially those in automobile exhaust.

What is photochemical smog give example?

Photochemical smog is a type of smog produced when ultraviolet light from the sun reacts with nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere. It is visible as a brown haze, and is most prominent during the morning and afternoon, especially in densely populated, warm cities.

What causes photochemical pollution?

Photochemical smog happens when nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds react together in the presence of sunlight as a catalyst and form ozone at lower levels. The nitrogen oxides come from vehicle exhausts, and volatile organic compounds come from many chemicals, such as paint and cleaning agents.

Which of the following pollutants is the major constituent in photochemical smog?

The major undesirable components of photochemical smog are nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), PAN (peroxyacetylnitrate), and chemical compounds that contain the –CHO group (aldehydes).

What is the major pollutants present in photochemical smog?

The two major primary pollutants, nitrogen oxides and VOCs, combine to change in sunlight in a series of chemical reactions, outlined below, to create what are known as secondary pollutants. The secondary pollutant that causes the most concern is the ozone that forms at ground level.

Which pollutant is the major contributor to photochemical smog?

Option 2 is the correct answer: Ozone is the major contributor to photochemical smog.

Which is the major photochemical smog?

Ground-level ozone constitutes one of the major components of photochemical smog, so called because of the photochemical reaction of air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with ultraviolet light (sunlight); thus, the O3 levels vary strongly with season and the highest levels …

What are two primary pollutants that cause photochemical smog?

The two major primary pollutants, nitrogen oxides and VOCs, combine in a series of chemical reactions to create secondary pollutants, which are dangerous when detected in our atmosphere and at ground level. The two most dominant toxic components produced in photochemical smog are ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrate.

What are problems caused by photochemical smog?

Why is Photochemical Smog Bad: Its Harmful Effects On Human Health: It causes irreversible damage to the lungs and heart, causing emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma in persons with allergies. On Environment: It has devastating effects on the environment that affects growth in both plants and animals. Other Effects: It corrodes metals, stones, and painted surfaces.

What produces photochemical smog?

Photochemical smog is a type of smog produced when ultraviolet light from the sun reacts with nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere.

What causes photochemical smog?

Photochemical smog is formed when sunlight interacts with certain chemicals in the atmosphere. Ozone is the main component in this type of air pollution.

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